Helge Schneider sells his piano – Ruhrgebiet


Kamen – On these keys "Cat Loo" was played. "Make the carrots" too. And jazz clbadics like "Moon River" – because DAS is Helge Schneider's wing. And he wants to sell it now.

The Steinway built in 2010 was built in New York and is part of a series of only 115 wings, which are crafted in an old-fashioned look with ornaments and frills.

Instrument at Piano Maiwald in Kamen, the official Steinway dealer of NRW. Chef André Maiwald: "Helge had bought the wing a few years ago in Berlin, because he loved the look.It is his tour wing."

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Photo: Stefano Laura

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Wings merchant André Maiwald with the instrument Helge Schneider wants to get rid of. 95 000 euros to cost the wing Photo: Stefano Laura

But: why does Helge want to get rid of his wing tour? Of course, the reason "official" sounds a lot in Helge: "… I sell my instrument, because I really want to be condescending, with all the fillings, cakes, cognac and so, I want to open a pastry, like Heino. "


Mülheim multi-instrumentalist André Mailwald also says the real reason: "Helge and his band still have to carry their own instruments on tour, and he does not want that any more, especially where Helge occurs, always high quality Steinways are available. "

And now the wing including cat deco (not for sale) in Kamen and is announced, as befits the instrument of a megastar Mega Gaga: "Similar to the latest Elvis boxing gloves or the original accessory of the Chinese Emperor!"

So, who wants to play "cat loo" on the original grand piano, can access. Where he has money. Cost: 95 000 euros. (dy)

More recent news from the Ruhr area and its environs can be read here at ruhrgebiet.bild.de Facebook and Twitter ].

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