Ilka Bessin aka Cindy de Marzahn explains the new RTL salary show


  Cindy de Marzahn (1)

It is so that Ilka knows most viewers: "Cindy aus Marzahn".

Cologne –

A money suit for the unemployed! After different formats on RTL2 and Sat.1 RTL now jumps on the "Hartz IV boom" on TV. With a spectacular experience in prime time. From Tuesday (20.15 hours), it says three weeks "pay! A suitcase full of opportunities."

In the new lead, an old acquaintance: Ilka Bessin (46, formerly better known as " Cindy aus Marzahn "). She explains to him his show back

Ilka Bessin: Cindy's actress Marzahn talks about her worst moment (read more here)

As it's okay: she was once "On Hartz IV", "I've been unemployed for a long time and I've moved on to Hartz IV and I know what it means for people," she explained. And adds: "When I was on Hartz IV, I did Wiener in the hot kettle because I did not have a stove.Is a bit disgusting for tea.Now I can smile on this subject. "

Here's how" Payday! A suitcase full of opportunities "from today on RTL

Only" Cindy "did she" do the big jump into the welfare trap, "she reports. "The subject of polarization means a life set aside for millions, and those who are affected sometimes behave as if they had an infectious disease." Payday "we want to give the long-term unemployed the chance to get away from it all. escape from the trap. "

  Ilka Bessin_alias_Cindy of Marzahn

Ilka Bessin wants to give people a voice in the RTL show" Zahltag "that no other Being heard.

How does it work? "Imagine a suitcase full of money is suddenly on your doorstep," says Bessin. The content: a "financial stimulus" of 25,000 to 33,000 euros, depending on the residential area and the number of children. "With the goal: never live again at the expense of the government!"

"Three Hartz IV families have a chance of life."

With Heinz Buschkowsky (69, former Mayor of Berlin-Neukölln) and founding expert Felix Thönnessen (37) is the host of the show Bessin. In exchange for the suitcase, families had to unsubscribe from the agency for employment and enjoy all the benefits. Thus, rent, food and all operating expenses had to be paid for by the money in the bag.

"There was not much left, but it makes sense, which could be a good start for your own existence. Families should learn to fend for themselves and badume responsibility for their financial decisions. "

Prince Heinz on the Hartz IV recipients:" I do not see why they do not work "(read more here)

Cheap social badgraphy for foreigners or meant Seriously the auxiliary television? Every spectator has to answer by himself.The three experts at least observe the families, but usually only intervene on the spot when urgent help is needed.And the families have the same. opportunity to seek help from experts

"It's important in life to accept help when things go wrong," says Ilka Bessin

. episodes, one must answer the polarizing question, whether money alone can free the beneficiaries of Hartz IV from unemployment.It is a problem that affects almost all 6 million recipients of Hartz IV in Germany : those who receive benefits and those who contribute every month.

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