Illner to Merkel-Nachfolge: Symptomatic Content – Medias


  • Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is authorized to get rid of her words of candidacy for the presidency of the CDU.
  • Wolfgang Kubicki gives the scorers of the sideline.
  • And the other guests did not contribute anything to the program.

"We need to make a point here and pretty quickly," says Maybrit Illner after an hour. The question then arises in the room, where she would like to define the point. Behind a relaxed discussion Thursday night, which has just solved the problems of almost all parties, without even going under the surface? Behind a winged exchange of talk show professionals who write their statements with an admirable routine? Or behind the interview Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer?

"The situation is very serious"

Many within the SPD are tired of always having to consider the Union in the coalition and are "no longer in the mood to compromise". Party leader Andrea Nahles calls potential rivals: those who think they can do better, should report.

Mike Szymanski Interview

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When she applies for the national presidency of the CDU and wants to succeed Angela Merkel in December, she does not even have to go to the polls. She simply sends the minutes of this latest Maybrit Illner talk show to the delegates, who then know how the secretary general is doing, what she wants and what she can do. If party members do not have the time to watch the entire program, take a look at the timeline of the show on Twitter, because most of the statements of @_A_K_K_ are listed meticulously.

More than two dozen of his statements hit Illner's publishers during the show. Every half-true sentence is immediately reflected and must pretend to be explosive, while the bbad dominates. "I quarreled a few times with Angela Merkel, and I can say from my personal experience: it can also be extremely strong." This sentence appears twice. Potter thousand: The Chancellor can also be strong. Hammer message. Until now, everyone has badumed that Angela Merkel had always ruled in a low voice.

And then there is the commitment to conduct a whole series of election campaigns behind him. "In the end, people want someone who takes them seriously, so I do not consider my chances as bad." This, after all, proves that she does not lack firm will.

You might have had to write that from the beginning, like a movie title on the show: "@_A_K_K_ She really wants it." You would then have avoided the contradiction between the main actress and the title actually used. It read "New alliances, old fronts – what does Merkel follow?" and seemed a little too neutral about the fact that it was almost Kramp-Karrenbauer. Obviously, the candidate wants to get rid of all this, this supernatural, this accounting, this calculable, which leads people to think that they are boring.

In this respect, Illner is also difficult to show serious interest. When Kramp-Karrenbauer made her first statements with admirable accuracy, but largely unemotional in the room, the moderator is pleasantly happy. "We know this text, now we get more concrete," she says. But unfortunately, it does not become more concrete. Rather general, because it serves a buzz after the other. Soli, anchor centers, state failure, diesel and minimum wage, all proposed. No difficulty for the applicant. She calls her replicas of course.

Since the remaining guests barely disturb. These are only needed as reference stations to interrupt the conversation between Kramp-Karrenbauer and Illner. But it does not seem that the hostess really cares about her. She still wants to know how things will go if the CDU continues, and as you know, even the CDU does not know how to proceed yet. Interviewees then say that it depends on how things are going, but that we do not want to depend on them. And then it's the turn of Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Symptomatic lack of content

Meanwhile, it is quite possible to perceive a certain disinterest of the main character, as if nobody really took his candidacy seriously, as if everyone was already looking for one of the other two candidates to win.

Of course, this is not really fair, but if Illner publishers call, you go there, even at the risk of announcing a few points of view. But then you can get rid of it in front of an interested public.

Kramp-Karrenbauer calls for more rigor against delinquent asylum seekers

These must be refused not only at the start of the school year in Germany, but in the Schengen area for life, declares the presidential candidate of the CDU.

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While Wolfgang Kubicki almost as usual gives the FDP Spielfeldrandspötter, Janine Wissler on the left has denounced the injustice and political advisor Michael Spreng understands his role somewhat and intervenes without worrying about moderation. You can say that he thinks he knows better. It does not matter. The president of Juso, Kevin Kühnert, loses almost a little seriousness.

A brief dialogue on the future of the CDU is symptomatic of the lack of salary. "She needs to consolidate in the Great Coalition," commands Spreng, causing Kubicki to lose a "How?" and gets a very succinct answer: "By adopting good policies." Man, it must be understood that the times the UDC has stated that it should adopt a reasonable policy. There would never have been anyone in the party itself.

But these guests are not about anyway. This is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, whose application seems moderated by the moderator. "Can you chancellor?", She wants to know a little hard at one point, but at the end of the question, she knows that she will never get a satisfactory answer.

Shortly before the end, Kubicki then gives the supporters. "Free Democrats fear neither death nor the devil," he said, giving the SPD another infallible advice: "Better to fight standing up than to languish".

By the time we are at it, the presenter is probably very happy that someone has turned on the clock and that time is at the rum. Illner looks in the camera and says the last sentence. "We need to make a point here and do it very quickly." In the end it is the salvation.

The great chance of the CDU

The appearance of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer shows that the CDU will live an exciting and totally open race for the presidency. At the same time, others suddenly look very old.

Comment by Stefan Braun

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