Ironically, in the football question: Ulrike von der Groeben with a bad mistake at the quiz


Ulrike von der Groeben was completely on the tube for a few seconds on ZDF.

© Screencast of the "Quiz Champion"

Ulrike von der Groeben came across a simple football question in the ZDF "Der Quiz-Champion" program. But the presenter took it with humor.

Mainz – Someone had a lot of stage fright. RTL presenter Ulrike von der Groeben was a gross blunder in the ZDF show "Der Quiz-Champion" which aired on Saturday night when she could not answer a really relevant question of its field.

But in order: The 61 – year – old presenter was invited with Ulrich Wickert, Pinar Atalay and Wigald Boning in the celebrity series of the popular quiz. There, the candidates take turns in different categories against experts from the respective field. With Guido Knopp, Tim Mälzer, Anna Thalbach, Michael "Bully" Herbig and Marcel Reif, the team of experts was no less important. But even before going to the reserve, all four candidates to warm up a 60-minute "hail" of presenter Johannes B. Kerner ask – and in this one Groeben slipped out of trouble .

Who won the Champions League?

In the first round, Kerner wanted to know her: "Which football club won the Champions League again in May?" This was not an issue that sports journalists could easily answer, but what they said Groeben was clearly on the pipe: "Hmm … Am I crazy? … Continue She gasped after a few seconds. Of course, the correct answer would have been Real Madrid

Especially bitter: In the race, Groeben had noted with self-criticism that the sport was the only category in which she hoped to score points. Then, despite her experience, a visibly excited journalist took it all with humor: "I do not want to go back to the editorial," she laughed.

It's easier on the couch

The comfort was badured by colleague Kerner: "What I really like, is that even professionals can be very nervous. Of course, you can easily answer all these questions.Kerner himself has a very special memory of the final: Jürgen Klopp and he then sang the frustration of the final defeat.

Despite the decline, Groeben has However, it was not enough for a general victory: Wigald Boning won the € 25,000 jackpot for a good cause.

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