Is Emily and Paul's dream wedding sparkling?


It should be the next big dream wedding at GZSZ! Emily, played by Anne Menden, 32, and Paul, played by Niklas Osterloh, 29, finally want to swear eternal love, but it's not so easy for lovebirds …

GZSZ: A bumpy road to the altar

Attention, spoilers! In fact, Emily and Paul have now more than earned their chance. Because: The two have not only survived a hostage drama in Mallorca, but have also faced the fact that Paul's alleged sister has appeared in their lives.

But their love does not seem to be a good star …

who will sweep away Emily and the fans, and a dreamy dress in white provide the emotions GZSZ of the summer 2018,

RTL Frank Pick spokesman opposite OK! -Online It'll be exciting again!

Emily Höfer: Should she get married without her siblings?

Source: RTL / Philipp Rathmer

What a terrible idea: is supposed to be the happiest day of his life, but Emily's brothers and sisters disappeared! For John, played by Felix de Jascheroff, 35, and his girlfriend Shirin played by 25-year-old Gamze Senol, it will be a race against time. stopped on the way to the altar.

Brother Philip, played by Jörn Schlönvoigt, 31, is still struggling with amnesia and plans to abandon the marriage of his own sister

. Marriage in the disaster

A quick comment: About a year ago, Sunny (Valentina Pahde, 23) wanted to start a new life with her lover Felix, Thaddäus Meilinger, 36 years old. But even at the wedding venue, beauty has been removed! A drama, as it can not take place at GZSZ.

If Emily and Paul once again show that their love can really overcome everything, fans of the show will hear on RTL on August 8th and 9th.

What do you think: are they finally happy? Give your vote in our vote.

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