Jens Büchner: shock of the penis! Malle-Jens shows his best piece on TV


Jens Büchner is in the "Sommerhaus der Stars" with his wife Daniela
Image: MG RTL D / Max Kohr

Monday night, the time had finally come: celebrities more or less famous s & # 39; installed in the "Sommerhaus" the stars ". While most spectators were waiting for the self-proclaimed slug Micaela Schäfer to undress Mallorca-Jens shocked everyone.

Jens Büchner shoots in the "summer house of the stars" blank

Already in the opening sequence, the public had to bear all the harshness of the German Trash-TV: Jens Büchner completely bad and without black bars in front of the basement RTL played the bells Thanks for nothing. "Dear @RTLde, could you please ring the bell before to show ankles, now I'm blind ", Ruth Moschner complains on Twitter

Che r @RTLde Could you please ring the bells before showing pegs. Now, I am blind. ???? # Summer House

– Ruth Moschner (@RuthMoschner) 9. July 2018

I saw Jens Hosenschlange, but not the Micaela grapefruit. Find the error. ???? # House of the summer

– Ruth Moschner (@RuthMoschner) 9. July 2018

Mallorca-Jens praises his best piece

"The most great discomfort that exists for me, "says Daniela Büchner before moving into RTL's summer house about her husband. "But also the best!" However, Malle-Jens is not enough to compliment his wife. "In any form," adds Jens Büchner. And by that, he obviously means his boyfriend. "I think our relationship is intense, full of bust, honest," says the 40-year-old. "Satisfy badually", she murmured to Jens Büchner

Also read: A disgusting horror for Mallorca-Jens, Patricia Blanco and Co.! So you see the opening sequence of the "summer house of stars" in the rehearsal.

PHOTOS: "The summer house of the stars" 2018 These famous couples are in the summer house

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