Jessica Paszka: Cancer Shock! This is how the "Bachelorette" lives with her illness


Sad confession: Jessica Paszka wrestled with cancer
Image: dpa

What a Bachelorette shock confession Jessica Paszka ! In a post on Instagram, the 27-year-old revealed to her fans a previously well-kept secret. Four years ago, the reality star was diagnosed with black skin cancer . Black skin cancer (malignant melanoma) is the most malignant form of skin cancer, the cause is usually too high UV radiation.

Jessica Paszka: RTL Bachelorette with Skin Cancer Disease

To rebadure all fans after the big outcry, Jessica Paska gives the clear: "Luckily everything went well in the end," says she next to her Instagram post. However, The Bachelorette took an important insight from his shock disorder.

Jessica Paszka's emotional confession gets a faded aftertaste

"NO, I'm not kissed by the sun's tanning bed," she wrote to her fans, and yet, Jessica Paszka has it. Tanned air in his picture Do not worry: just a tan spray, but what began as an emotional confession or a friendly warning to their fans becomes a bland connotation.


You do not see the picture?

Jessica Paszka: Instagram tasteless advertisement for the confession of skin cancer

In the same post in which Jessica Paszka publishes her cancer, she recommends her adepts Instagram very specific tanning spray.First confession of tears, then influence advertising, including draws and application note? You can definitely feel this tasteless To make money from of his own illness, one must first bring.

Also read: Selfish Jessica – That's why the "Bachelorette" couple really broke up .

PHOTOS: Jessica Paszka So Hot is the New "Bachelorette" 2017

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