Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin: Is the pastor behind everything? – people


Faith sometimes brings mountains …

Now it's official: The swarm of teens Justin Bieber (24 years old) and the model Hailey Baldwin (21 years old) are engaged – after only one month of relationship! The singer made the request to dine at a restaurant in the Bahamas on July 7th.

For his future, he wrote on Instagram: "Hailey, I love you so much! I am happy to spend all my life with you.You are the love of my life."

He's 24, she's 21 – Why is Justin so suddenly so in a hurry to get married?

One reason for this might be his firm faith. For several years, Bieber has been a member of the trendy Hillsong Church and is a close friend of Pastor Carl Lentz (39, married since 2003).

LOVE these two legends … and speaking of love … The man named Paul once said … "Love never gives up." Love does not care, but does not 'first, do not fly', others do not revel in the bloom of the truth, endure all, trust God always, always seek the best, never look back, but continue until the end. If someone says they like you but you do not see these things? Gaurd your heart! If you have known love like this? Christopher Wallace said, "Spread the love, that's the way to Brooklyn." That's our way, day after day .. The best way to do it. #occupyallstreets #aviatorsmountup #longerthetrafficlongerthecaption

A post shared by Carl Lentz (@carllentz) on

He blindly trusted the bady pastor – open up to 10,000 people preaching : "Marriage is a salvation for lost souls.Marriage is simple and warm."

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picture: picture alliance / NEAR ASSOCIATES

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Carl Lentz is the priest that the stars trust Photo: picture alliance / PRESIDENTS ASSOCIES

Does Pastor Justin, Confident and Cool, Encourage Engagement?

That sounds like that – because Bieber quoted on Instagram Bible verse: "He who finds a woman finds something good and can do good things in the Lord."

The Church of the Stars: The Church of the Stars

Kourtney Kardashian (39), Selena Gomez (25), Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin – they are all members of the Hillsong Church. What is the secret of success?

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Photo: PressPhotoBankNY / MEGA

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Hailey Baldwin and Kendall Jenner leaving a worship at Hillsong Church in New York Photo: PressPhotoBankNY / MEGA

The Christian community was founded in Sydney in 1983 and has more than 21,000 members in Australia only. The services live in a very special concert atmosphere – and usually take place in large convention centers.

What is "Hillsong Church" in general?

From Sydney via Moscow, Tel Aviv, London, New York, Los Angeles and even Berlin (in the Kulturbrauerei to Prenzlauer Berg). "Hillsong" is everywhere – and attracts hundreds of thousands of people with young and cool pastors like Carl Lentz, self-produced pop music (so-called worship music), and slogans "Jesus is cool" around the world whole

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