Kaley Cuoco: Husband Karl Cook Post Snoring Video


Just a few days ago, Kaley Cuoco raved about eternal love at her wedding with Karl Cook, and now she's living the first days of her marriage – and he's also unveiling the lesser sides romantic romanticism

Of course, Gatte also lives the actress in adverse situations and shares her ideas with the world. On Instagram, Cook posted a video showing Kaley Cuoco asleep in the car next to him – and snoring audibly.

His love was like "a troubled walrus," he wrote, but he also baderted, of course, do not undermine his affection. "I love you so much darling, but wow!"

Shortly before, Cook had taken a picture of him and his wife at the hospital. Himself must be seen with a big smile, Cuoco does not look much like prosperous life – she just has an operation of the shoulder behind her. The actress was sovereign and relaxed about it.

She posted the picture on Instagram and wrote, "If your honeymoon is a shoulder operation and that your husband is happy look lol ". But she is "on the road to recovery," writes Cuoco jokingly: "Fortunately, at least my hair color is perfect." She is confident that Cook will share more "pearls" with his followers.

In the award-winning sitcom "The Big Bang Theory", Cuoco plays the Penny, a friend of a clique of eccentric scientists.

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