Legacy "falling through> Meedia


Excellent ratings for the ARD show "Who knows what XXL": With 4.63 million viewers and 900,000 14-49 year olds, she won on Saturday in both audiences, gaining market share of 20.4 % and 14.1%. The new RTL program "Einstein Junior" had no chance against this competition and remained unique in the young audience. Far below the target of the station also remained the premiere of the series "24: Legacy" at kabel eins.

By Jens Schröder

Here are the five things you need to know about Saturday's chances: [19659005]. 1 "Who knows something XXL" wins for young and old

4.63 million people decided Saturday night then for the show ARD "Who knows because something XXL". Although the number of spectators was lower than previous editions due to the summer weather, market share has again crossed the 20% mark. For the seventh time at 12 "XXL" bonus premium game show. For 14-49 year olds, things were similar: 900,000 young spectators were in the holiday season for the victory of the day, no broadcast has managed to exceed one million spectators. The market share of 14.1% was even the third best of the previous "XXL" editions.

2. Also "Wilsberg" has crossed the 4 million mark, Formula 1 is the number 1 in the private sector

Unlike previous days, there were even three programs on Saturday with more than 4 million viewers. In addition to "Who knows something XXL" which was the 20 "Tagesschau", which lit 4.27 million (20.7%) in the first, as well as the ZDF thriller "Wilsberg" with 4.01 million viewers and 17.1%. Strong figures, but not enough for the prime time win, because "who knows what XXL" was just stronger. The strongest program of the private broadcaster did not take place in the evening, but in the afternoon around 3 o'clock: the Formula 1 qualifying session at Hockenheim-Ring brought in 2.55 million ( 21.2%) on RTL. The solid numbers have reached the first still with the sport: The Tour de France shot 13.35 clock 11.5%, the DM track and field time of 18:15 clock 11.7%.

3. "Einstein Junior" falls in two important audiences


The new RTL show "Einstein Junior" failed in the total audience with only 1.17 million Sehern and 5.0% complete, landed at 20.15 clock not only behind the first and ZDF, but also behind Sat.1, ProSieben and television lol. The 14-49 year olds were also bad: 610,000 young viewers were only 9.6%, which is insufficient for a Saturday night show on RTL. Sat.1 reached 790,000 14-49 years and 12.3% with "The Shoe of the Manitu – Extra Large", ProSieben with the premiere on free TV "The Finest Hours" 670,000 and at least 10.3% . The three major private channels lost at 20:15 but against "who knows XXL" (see above).

4. Complete false start for "24: Legacy", RTL II strong with movies

"24: Legacy", the late sequel of the 24-hour real-time series, which was discontinued in 2017 after only one season in the States United States since Saturday night for the first time on free German television. From 22h15, kabel eins directly showed the first three of the 12 episodes in one go. The success was very manageable: 190,000, 140,000 and 100,000 young people aged 14 to 49 were only going for market share of 3.0%, 2.8% and 2.5%. The pre-program was not: From 8:15 pm the clock reached two episodes "Hawaii Five-O" significantly better 5.5% and 5.7%. RTL II reached 440,000 aged 14 to 49 with "Twister" at 20:15 and a strong 6.7%, with "Asteroid – Destruction" then 480,000 and 8.5%. At Vox, "The Smurfs 2", with 350,000 young viewers, remained at a slight 5.5%.

5. The mdr strikes the million shots with success, sport1 triumphs with the test game of FC Bayern

Above we mentioned: at 20:15 the mdr TV has even landed in front of RTL. This is due not only to the weakness of RTL's "Einstein Junior" show, but also to the strength of ldr television: 1.28 million people have decided to "Schlager, Stars & Stars – The Feast of Castle in Austria "the ARD show of 2 June. The market share was 5.7%. Apart from the first, the ZDF, RTL, Sat.1 and ProSieben, millions of viewers have reached the "Tagesschau" of 20 hours on NDR television – with 1.02 million curious and 4.9 percent. 710,000 (3.3%) watched the "Kölner Lichter 2018" from 8:15 pm to 5:05 am on WDR TV, compared with 1.11m (5.1%) the year before. The record of the event remains at 1.46 million and 7.1% from 2005. Super match with the friendly match between Bayern Munich and Paris Saint-Germain in the afternoon sport1: 820,000 football fans saw the first half 16 hours, even 920,000 seconds from 17:05. The market shares were incredible 6.6% and 7.4%. Even if all the World Cup players in both teams were still missing.

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