London: Prince Louis is baptized – all Queen Elizabeth missing


Louis Arthur Charles is the youngest son of Prince William and Duchess Kate. He has now been baptized in the circle of the family. Important members of the family disappeared at the ceremony.

The youngest son of Prince William and Duchess Kate (both 36 years old) was baptized – on behalf of Louis Arthur Charles. The Monday afternoon ceremony took place in the family setting of the Chapel of St. James Palace in London. It was headed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby

The most famous great-grandparents in England were not present in the church: Queen Elizabeth II (92) and her husband Prince Philip (97) was not present at the baptism of their great grandson In the afternoon, Buckingham Palace had confirmed in the morning. Their absence has no reason for health, they said. The British Queen has several official meetings this week, including the Centennial Air Force RAF celebrations on Tuesday and US President Donald Trump's visit to Windsor on Friday

Arriving at the chapel, the little prince was still asleep . in the arms of his mother, as can be seen on a video distributed by Kensington Palace via Twitter. In this document, Kate tells the bishop that her son is "very relaxed and calm." She hopes it stays that way.

"I am delighted and privileged to baptize Prince Louis today – a precious child and an image of God, like all of us," Welby had already written on Twitter. After the service, there will be tea and cake at Clarence House, the official residence of grandparents, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla

According to a statement from Kensington Palace, the parents of Duchess Kate, Michael and Carole Middleton. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan as well as Duchess Kate's pregnant sister, Pippa Matthews and her husband James Matthews, and Kate's brother James Middleton

The Little Prince has six godparents – all friends or family . Nicholas van Cutsem, Guy Pelly and Harry Aubrey-Fletcher are close friends of Williams, according to British media. Lady Laura Meade is therefore the wife of James Meade, a former Williams clbadmate at Eton's elite school. Hannah Carter is a friend of Kate's school, Lucy Middleton is Kate's cousin.

Prince's christening gown wore his two brothers and sisters

Prince Louis was born April 23 at St. Mary's Hospital in London. He is the third child of William and Kate after Prince George (4) and Princess Charlotte (3). He is fifth in the British succession to the throne.

The prince's baptismal dress had already been worn by his two brothers and sisters. It is a replica of a dress of 1841 that Queen Victoria had designed for her eldest daughter. Since the Victorian era, the Windsor Babies have been baptized in this dress, including Queen Elizabeth herself, her son Prince Charles, and William and Harry. In 2008, the Queen had ordered a copy from her seamstress Angela Kelly because the original had become increasingly fragile and vulnerable. The dress is immortalized in many baptismal photos of the royal family.

Almost historically, the cake was served for tea at Clarence House. According to Kensington Palace, it was a place for the 2011 William and Kate eight-story wedding cake.

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