"Luke, the 2000s and me": "In coffee, Hitler is a real Nazi"


Of course, Luke Mockridge has a full mouth. "It will be," he promises, "really a great show." The show does not even have three minutes. The thing is called "Luke, the 2000s and me". Again, this should save Friday night on TV. And it's really fun. By which a great weakness remains natural.

The big problem of the 2000s

The 2000s: they were not funny. Not really. They started with 2000 glbades on New Year's Eve. Witnesses remember it. But then: Angela Merkel became Chancellor Federal, which she was in 2005. She stayed. And this until today. Maybe it's the best typing line of the time. The host Luke tries to make a joke to those who have never seen a man at the top. "Earlier", he reveals, "the men were chancellors". Well, you can not imagine anymore. Maybe it's time to introduce a quota of men.

Decade of puberty: from Gameboy to "Playboy"

With a complete physical exercise, the moderator, born in 1989, works throughout the decade. For him, he said, it was the decade of puberty: "It started with Gameboy and ended with" Playboy "." The joke of this uncomfortable time brought television. Sensational: "Switch Reloaded". Nice that Luke brings parodic star Max Giermann to his show. In 2007, this series was launched. And even today, it's funny when Giermann gives life to the restaurant tester Christian Rach or the animator Stefan Raab. No one really misses either, the parody was always better than the original anyway.

And then, Luke brings coffee to the Fiihrer's bunker

The electronics trump Luke Mockridge in the clbadic movies of the time. In the Führerbunker of "Der Untergang" with Bruno Ganz as Hitler, he serves coffee in a paper cup. Unfortunately, he has a problem. "Soymilk goes crazy fast – we're in Berlin Mitte." Hitler is in a crisis. And Luke Mockridge notes: "In terms of coffee, Hitler is really a Nazi." It's a joke that scratches a bit when it takes the ganglia into the brain channels.

Melitta son and uncle alert fruit: Nico Santos

A surprise has the show ready. Nico Santos, born in 1993, is currently very popular for music with his song "Oh Hello". The televised decade viewer learns that Nico Santos is Melitta's son of advertising for coffee and uncle Mia-Sophie, daughter of the fruit alarm. Of course, the 20-year-old can be picked up by Nico Santos on his Facetime phone in the series. But she is in good company. Even "Schni-Schna-Schnappi", the little crocodile, is still present until midnight. Of course, the series is too long for good ideas, we know it, but let's face it: Friday night was worse. Real.

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