Luna Schweiger: Life in Malibu was too boring for her


Luna Schweiger did not want to reveal much about "Celebrity Shopping Queen". However, Til Schweiger's eldest daughter revealed that life in Malibu is not as big as many might think.

Meanwhile, Luna Schweiger (21, "Phantom Pain"
) feels Germany really well. This told the eldest daughter of the movie star Til Schweiger (54, "Zweiohrküken"
) at least his companions in "Celebrity Shopping Queen". There she played Sunday against the dancer "Let's Dance" Oana Nechiti (30) and TV presenter Mareile Höppner (41) – and won! But before the German-American actress presented her slogan "Crazy Heels" on the catwalk, she spoke first of her past life in America.

Suddenly everything was different

The movie "Guardian Angel" with Luna and Til Schweiger can be rented or bought here

The 21-year-old is from Til Schweiger's marriage to American designer Dana Schweiger (50). Although both were officially married on paper from 1995 to 2014, the relationship broke down much earlier. In 2004, they abandoned their family life together in Malibu to move to Hamburg with their children and parents. But only a year later, he followed the final separation – daughter Luna was then eight years old.

At this age, she said now in the Vox show, she could only realize who her father really is. In America, the 54-year-old was barely recognized, let alone addressed. In Hamburg, it was different. "Then I was walking with my father in the streets and everyone wanted to have something from him," says the 21-year-old girl

She does not want to return to the other side of the l & # 39; Atlantic

Luna Schweiger entrusted to her two counterparts shopping. However, she was so used to Germany that she could hardly imagine getting rid of her tents in Hamburg. In general, life under the California sun is not so exciting. "Malibu always presents himself to everyone," said Scion Schweiger, "but it's actually like living in the village.You can not do much except to go to the beach." [19659005] She found her life

Luna Schweiger is already alone with her 21 years. Although she still plays small roles from time to time, including Papa Til's side in "Tatort"
but her great pbadion is riding. Since the Schweiger family is back in Germany, she spends every free minute in the stable and successfully participates in regional jumping tournaments. And then there would be his secret friend, Marvin, about whom the winner of the "Celebrity Shopping Queen" claims "better not to" speak in public.

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