Maite Kelly: Ex Florent arrives with a new woman by her side!


It was a shock when it was learned last fall that Maite Kelly's marriage had failed. Now, his ex has a new wife by his side.

For a long time, they were considered the absolute dream couple of the world of music and fashion. But then broke the relationship of the musician Maite Kelly (38) and the model Florent Raimond (41) after twelve years of marriage.

It seemed unlikely that there would be a mud fight when looking at Maite's statement of separation: "We are still loving and responsible parents of three wonderful children. And we continue to work with great joy as trusted partners in our joint venture (…), "she writes on Facebook.

Although apparently a friendly split, this n & # 39; Was not easy for them Maite wrestled with pain:


  Maite Kelly and Her Husband Florent Raymond

Maite Kelly
Separation of Her husband! What will happen to their children now?

But they always seemed so happy? Surprisingly, Maite Kelly has now announced her wedding-off.

Is she his new girlfriend? [19659012] But will the 38-year-old be so relaxed with her that her ex can have a new one? This is indicated by a post that Florent recently shared on Facebook. We can see a beautiful brunette drinking a glbad of white wine during holidays in France

  Maite Kelly

Tears interview on TV: That's why it's really for separation

After Maite Kelly announced her break with Florent Michel Raimond, she has now spoken in an emotional TV interview on the grounds.

According to the information on the site "" is the pretty woman around Graciela Soares, a Brazilian. The apparently had also shared a photo of him and Florent, who is the page as a screenshot, but has since been deleted or is no longer public. Then he gives her a kiss on the cheek, she writes in English: "I look at the game, with my love, in the beautiful France …"

That seems pretty clear! And also Maites (also now no longer findable but "" photographed) comments on the display of his ex points. She had apparently written "A high on love" under the picture. So, it seems that the singer gives him new luck. It's nice that it works too!

In the video: Oops, here, Mait drops something from the top!


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