Mamma Mia 2: The actress Amanda Seyfried in an interview


Los Angeles –

Mamma Mia, How Times Have Changed for Amanda Seyfried

Yes, with the ABBA hit (to be more specific: the film adaptation as a Hollywood musical) The Apothekers Girl managed to get the German Ancestors make a breakthrough.

She was 22 years old at the time, ten years have pbaded since, and Amanda has starred in more than 30 films and ten television series. One can still say "Mamma Mia"

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And this time even in the literal sense. Because during the filming of part 2 of the musical film, she became a mother. His daughter is now a year old and Amanda still keeps the secret name. We met them for an interview

Can we at least ask you if you changed because of the baby?

Amanda Seyfried: Yes, a lot. I no longer need the affirmation of others that I needed earlier for some reason. It does not bother me as much as others think of me. Because my priorities in life are now completely clear. Once you are pregnant, you realize that it's not just for you anymore. That's good "

" ABBA was not cool ": Björn and Benny admit the songs that they really do not like today (read more here) [19659006] Like it's hard, like a young mother so completely "On the side" always in front of the camera to get up?

Amanda Seyfried: It's physically exhausting, but it's worth it. My daughter is still here. I only regret that she is still too young to remember later about her childhood experiences.

You are now doing a public relations tour …

Amanda Seyfried: … and it would be too stressful for a little girl. It is so difficult to be away from it. I swear I had an eye infection because I was so appalling not to see you for nine days.

Has the relationship with your own mother changed since birth?

Amanda Seyfried: Yes, a lot. My mother is our nanny. She no longer works as a physiotherapist and follows us everywhere. Whether we are at our farm or our home in Los Angeles. We are closer than ever.

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Have not you had a good relationship before?

Amanda Seyfried: Yes, but it's a completely different level now. I can understand a lot more how much she has worked as a mother for me and my sister. My father was there, but she looked more like a single mother who took care of everything.

What will you take care of your mother in education?

Amanda Seyfried: she supported me and my sister without interfering in everything. This left us enough room to develop ourselves

Is there anything you would do differently?

Amanda Seyfried: My mother was incredibly strong externally and has her own often hiding her own feelings. It was not always good, even for herself, I want my daughter to have a good balance. She will discover that her mother does not make her decision when she finds something important. On the other hand, I'll be careful not to say nonsense – just because I'm pbadionate about something. Thinking before speaking is a good thing – the opposite of our American president (laughs)

Is there sometimes a difference of opinion because Grandma sees things differently with the little one?

Amanda Seyfried: It's incredibly difficult for me to get angry with my mother. Even if she feeds my daughter with roast pork. She does her best and takes care of my daughter.

In the first film "Mamma Mia", they fell in love with their colleague Dominic Cooper. They were together for two years. Now you are married to another colleague, Thomas Sadoski. Was he jealous now?

Amanda Seyfried says: I am now a good friend of Dominic and he was also my thirtieth birthday

There is nothing left between us and my husband is in agreement with the situation . 19659003] He got on well with Dominic. Even though he had been a little jealous, it would not bother me. Better than he did not care (smiles).

<img data-id = "30972050" src = "" clbad = "center" alt = "Amanda Seyfried and her husband Thomas Sadoski

They were born three years after the ABBA disappearance Are you even related to the hits?

Amanda Seyfried: ] Not to the originals But I was in high school when the A-TEENS appeared on the market and we danced up to their version of "Dancing Queen" in the final dance of the 8th grade. Liked it and I did not get the sound of my head

Would you be ready for "Mamma Mia 3" in ten years?

Amanda Seyfried: And if we should not wait so long, or maybe, then my daughter could play my movie girl.Let's see what she says in a few years …

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