Markle's family turns on the wheel: "If the father dies, you are guilty"



  How long does she resist the attacks of her family? Meghan Markle

How long can she tolerate the attacks of her family? Meghan Markle (Photo: imago / PA Images)

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Prince Harry and his Meghan race at all public events. But behind the scenes, it's bubbling. The family of the new duchess continues to shoot poisoned arrows at London. Markle's half sister now pushes him to the top

In fact, everything could be so beautiful. Prince Harry and his Meghan are still in love with each other, behind them is a dream wedding and before them a future as royal favorites of the British. Yes, even here and there, there are even rumors of babies intertwining around the two. When can it happen that the first offspring announces?

  Is this smile tormented? Meghan and Harry visit a Nelson Mandela exhibition on Tuesday.

Is this smile tormented? Meghan and Harry visiting an exhibition of Nelson Mandela on Tuesday. (Photo: REUTERS)

But their happiness is not so clear. This is due to Markle's family, who continue to do their utmost to torpedo the relationship of the 36-year-old girl with her prince. And although Harry and Meghan can shine on public dates – these disruptive fires certainly can not carry them away.

Following several critical remarks by his father Thomas in recent days, Markle now gets another edge from his half-sister Samantha Grant. And that's it.

"You Should Be Ashamed"

Grant was directed in a real tirade on Twitter messages directly to the British Royal Family. "My father is no shame because he loves his daughter, members of the royal family are ashamed because they're so cold, you should be ashamed," Grant rages into a from their news.

She was particularly angry Visit of an exhibition in honor of the 100th birthday of Nelson Mandela of Harry and Meghan Tuesday. "I'm glad you have so much time to hang out, to pay homage to others while ignoring your father, how cold can you be and look at yourself in the mirror?", The 53-year-old man engraved in another

She really arrives at the extreme in her third message. "That's enough," Grant said, adding, "If your father dies, I blame you, Meg!

This is not the first time Grant has publicly attacked his half-sister and the British royal family. Earlier, she had already stated that if Harry's mother, Diana, was still alive, she would be ashamed of her son for taking Meghan Markle to his wife.

Just a "tormented smile"? Grant does not just spit poison and bile on his half-sister's relationship, so Markle's father has been shooting these days over and over again with various allegations to the public. For example, he told the British newspaper "The Sun" that he had not spoken to his daughter since the scandal surrounding the paparazzi photos that he had provided shortly before the wedding. It does not have a valid phone number of it and can not reach it otherwise.

By far, he worries about Meghan, because she looks unhappy. "I've seen her smile for years, I know her smile," said the 73-year-old. Meanwhile, however, she only makes a "tortured smile" for the media. Her daughter had "paid a high price to marry this family," says Markle, and described the royal family's traditions as "outdated" and "ridiculous."

That not only the queen is anything but "amused" should have been, is obvious. And it is also doubtful that the chances of a father and daughter merging will increase, as expert Royal William Hanson explained to the Daily Mail. If Thomas Markle and Samantha Grant continue their public attacks, the likelihood that Meghan will look again tends to decrease to zero, concludes Hanson.


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