Media: 1001 night – VIP News


In the movie "1001 Nights", a modern Sheherazade tells daily stories of recent Portuguese history

The political situation in Europe is not exactly a fairy tale for many people. A Portuguese film sheds light on the fates of different characters in the form of a fairy tale, but without grand palates or flying carpets. The "1001 Nacht" in three parts can be seen completely this Wednesday from 20:15 on Arte.

In the first part, "The Restless" (from 8:15 pm), a director sits at a coffee table. He says he loves his job, but he literally tears it up when he has to report a crisis in a shipyard that will cost more than 600 dockers. Or about the endangered honeybees and their honey production, which are threatened by an Asian wasp whose nests are now exhausted laboriously.

He attempts to establish a metaphysical link between these two events, both at the same time to take place – alone, he may not succeed. There remains a helpless film crew and the beautiful Scheherazade who takes over the role of the director and begins to tell: "the island of the girls of Baghdad", "the men with a stiffener" (that is-to- ie EU officials with Erectile Dysfunction), "The History of Rooster and Fire" and "Bath of the Magnificent".

With "The Desperate", Part 2 (from 10:15 pm) is outdated, and it is "A Chronicle of Simao Theft", "The Tears of the Judge" and "The Owners of Dixie. Dixie is a fluffy little white dog, which has successively different owners, all of them inhabitants of a skyscraper. The dog loves every new owner as there never was another one. This character trait can be symbolic of the relationships of people who come and go, love and leave home in this house. Part 3 ("The Raptured", from 0.25 hours) is on the "Chaffinch Chorus", "Hot Forest" and tells the 515th day stories of Scheherazade (Crista Alfaiate).

Although the film of The narrative structures of the model of Shéhérazade have served, but he does not want to be an adaptation of this book. Instead, the stories and their characters are based on real events that took place from August 2013 to July 2014 in Portugal. The film clearly criticizes the then government 's austerity policies under Prime Minister Pedro Coelho. He blames the lack of social justice that has plunged many people into poverty. In the fiction and documentary film that seem to blend effortlessly, the images (camera: Sayombhu Mukdeeprom) show epic landscapes and people drawn by life.

The director Miguel Gomes (46, "Taboo – A Story of Love and Guilt") is the man from the beginning of the film. He often uses a rather blurry pocket camera. His cinematic triptych is a bold and radical experiment, especially for the viewer, but also because it says a lot about failure

. Gomes wanted to make a colorful movie, full of wonderful and alluring stories, as he himself says in the movie. but at the same time considered "the most stupid idea of ​​his life". He wanted to follow the current and unhappy situation in Portugal for a year and concluded: "You can not make a militant film that is suddenly more militant and begins to escape reality. It would be irresponsible and vain. I have the impression of being in the middle of a storm and at the same time in a stalemate. "

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