Medien: Kalkofes Mattscheibe: The worst until now


Annual reviews abound, but hardly anyone gets a half-yearly report. The satirist Oliver Kalkofe has already seen so much incomprehensible things on television in 2018 that he can no longer restrain himself.

The year 2018 is half the time; No? Almost none. Oliver Kalkofe (52) has, by his own admission, already seen so much trouble on television that he can no longer shut up

That's why his main channel – Tele5, a private provider based in Munich – broadcasts the satirical contribution "Kalkofes Mattscheibe: the worst up here", where the cabaret artist slips back into different roles and attracts celebrities to the threshold of pain through cocoa. "19659003 "Who thought, it's not worse, far from it! 2018 is on German TV and the Internet is even more stupid and crazier than ever, "says Kalkofe.However, the satirical joker deals with the failed attempt of entrepreneur Carsten Maschmeyer with his TV series" Start up! " On Sat.1, with the scandalous Echo Awards, with a daring interview of the ZDF presenter Marietta Slomka Staatssekretärin Dorothee Bär and the future visions of the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder

The always recurring principle of Kalkofe: It brings d & # 39; first original excerpts of the protagonists in their already bizarre public performances, then suddenly from one second to the next, the painted Kalkofe slips into the role of eminent contemporaries and verbally takes the situation to the extreme A speech by Phoenix Söders, the Prime Minister begins to talk about the development of the space industry in Bavaria and the lime kiln with the sudden arrival of Söd.

"We will build the most modern yodel supercomputer in the world, with a distributor," promises Kalkofe-Söder. "We will set an upper limit for extraterrestrial invasions, introduce a UFO toll, and not rest until a crucifix will be at the entrance of each planet. Then we are the Bayern with the big balls, the big balls, that we will prove not only to the whole world, but to the whole universe. "As Kalkofe does the Maschmeyer in the show Sat.1" Start up! ", Praises he the contractor to the maximum. "Against him one can enter Jesus in the barrel, the man is pure philanthropy with heat until the fire of the freezer."

In the show Sat.1 Kalkofe smuggles himself as a candidate with a business idea, the Maschmeyer as an investor should leave. It is called: "AWB – everything will be retained", praises the "young entrepreneur" Kalkofe. The business figure of the company should be generated from everything that happens between "purse theft and Hütchenspielerei". "The grandiose startup of Maschmeyer's personality was already a highlight of the absurdity of television," Kalkofe told the German news agency. That in Kalkofe a good rapper can be lost, he proves it in his parody of the Echo Award of Outrun in April

The complete self-induced dismantling of the music industry by l & # 39; Ego-Echo-FuckUp was at its best, "says Kalkofe." The first half of the year promises new records in the field of media madness for 2018! "

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