Mick Jagger is 75 years old! So, he keeps fit – people



Since 1962, Mick Jagger has been swinging with the Rolling Stones. 200 million records sold, eight children five women and millions in the account. Assbadination survived, drunk, smoked, groupies and prison – Living in the fast lane

Thursday, Mick Jagger will be 75 years old! How did he do it?

Here we reveal his secret of fitness!

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/fitness- trainer-torje-eike-and-mick-jagger-200863203-56388186 / 3, w = 1280, c = 0. image.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Fitness Trainer Torje Eike and Mick Jagger "data-zoom -title = "For 24 years, he has been training Mick Jagger (74): Torje Eike, Norway's personal trainer

Photo: YouTube

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He has made Mick Jagger (74, r.) fit for 24 years: Torje Eike, Personal Trainer of Norway Photo: YouTube

Indulgence: Mick Jaggers vodka was a thirst-quenching drink, but for many years he drank almost exclusively water but before a concert it feast of a small beer ("For relaxation") Its breakfast consists of smoothies (Fruc htsaft sounds less bady) and muesli, later it is rice, chicken [19659008] Pills: Yes, the substances that the Stones once sniffed or smoked would probably suffice for a world tour. Today, the rocker swallows only vitamin pills.

Running: Daily 12 kilometers, sometimes a marathon distance to prepare the tour. He also likes to ride a bike.

Yoga: He has been practicing "anti-gravity" yoga for years. The exercises are practiced with a trapeze cloth anchored firmly in the ceiling at a height of about two meters.

Kickboxing: Do not be silly with the guy. Mick is an excellent kickboxer. Sport is also perfect for reducing stress and posture.

Meditation: Once, he drank to relax. Today, Jagger says, "Too much alcohol paralyzes." That is why he meditates and trains with monks in Laos and Thailand.

Dumbbell Training: Jagger lifts weights. Five to six times a week. Fort!

Ballet: The musician first fell in love with ballet dancer Melanie (her ex-girlfriend and mother of her youngest son, 19 months), then her sport. According to Jagger, clbadical ballet brings tension and serenity

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