Miley Cyrus: singer removes all Instagram images


Why, what is it?

Miley Cyrus
(25, "Wrecking Ball") deleted the photos from his Instagram account. Not even a profile picture left the singer. "No messages yet," he says, if you're currently calling the official 25-year profile with over 76 million followers. The exact reason why Cyrus has not yet revealed, the speculation that the blackout, but the not in a new era, means

This could be initiated with new music. As reported by "US Weekly", a seventh studio album is in preparation. His latest album, "Younger Now", was released by Miley Cyrus in September 2017. In recent years, the American musician has undergone a radical transformation. After her childhood as a star ("

Hannah Montana
") she had developed a real bad girl image, of which Cyrus in recent months, but who distanced herself more and more. We can not wait to see what she wants to do with the Instagram restart. The attention is always badured by Miley Cyrus

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