Miriam Höller: So the model goes back to life after the death of her fiancé


Düsseldorf –

2016 has not been an easy year: Miriam Höller, 31, supermodel candidate from the former Germany, broke her two feet at the end of the year. A shootout, then she was hit by her fate. killed in a helicopter crash.

Read about the tragic death of Miriam Höller's fiancée, Hannes Arch.

After that, the 31-year-old man became silent. No wonder, she had a dream career ahead of her: As a stunt girl, the blond woman earned her money for ten years.

Thanks to her participation in the ProSieben cast, she was able to realize her model dream. Miriam Höller retaliated to life

After the accident, the career threatened in both professions! But after that she bravely brought back to life.

On Facebook, she stepped back and announced that she was finally ready to return to the public.

She fought back again – for her and her Hannes.

Meanwhile, the 31-year-old is doing well and appears again and again in television shows.

Learn more about Miriam Höller's hot Coyote-Ugly dance at "Grill the Pro".

Miriam Höller celebrated her big comeback with "Celebrity Shopping Queen"

] For "Promised Shopping Queen" she even ran for the first time after her accident back on high heels. Even though she did not win the title, she still had a huge success for herself

Read all about the episode "Celebrity Shopping Queen" with Miriam Höller.

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Chrissy Girlfriend Go shopping with Miriam Höller

What an admirable woman, encouraging others who have a fate similar to her

Continue, Miriam!

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