Nadja Abd el Farrag does not let the accusations rest on her


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Nadja Abd el Farrag resists the accusations.
The 53-year-old once again hit the headlines, accusing the owner of a furniture chain for being unreliable. This should be the reason for the cooperation that has collapsed. However, she defends herself against these allegations and, like her manager, explains what is really behind these allegations.
After several media reported on the lack of publicity between Preisfuchs and Nadja Abd el Farrag, a second-hand furniture chain, the defendant now speaks for himself. The head of the furniture store, Edgar Kelnberger, accused Naddel. This should not have happened at the signing of the contract and the contract was never concluded. "It is very unreliable," he also told On Facebook, however, she explained the incidents from her point of view. She accuses the used furniture chain in Baden-Württemberg of wanting to make headlines at their expense. She herself had always behaved properly: "In the spring, they wanted to book me some appointments, but I was already booked and I stick to the agreements," writes the presenter. "So now they are trying to advertise for free by pulling me in the dust."
His manager, Burkhardt Stoelck, also confirmed the presentation of his girlfriend. He accuses the furniture store of not distorting the facts: "There has never been an appointment to sign a contract," said Stoelck at the "stern". Like the former ex-journalist Dieter Bohlen, he also believes in completely different motives of the cheap chain's allegations: "Preisfuchs probably wants to generate free advertising with her".
Until now, however, the owners of & # 39; Preisfuchs & # 39; have not commented on the chain's reproaches. Therefore, we do not really know what the planned cooperation really failed.

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