Nadja abd el Farrag in the "Irrenhouse": Naddel soon in the "Klapsmühle"? It's behind that


Is Nadja Abd el Farrag ready for the "Irrenhouse"?
Image: Felix Hörhager / dpa

It all started innocently enough with an invitation. When Nadja Abd el Farrag made an appearance on the promised-special "Get Out of Debt", Nina Queer offered her 2,000 euros on Facebook if she went to "Irrenhouse". And that seems to be happening now.

Nadja Abd el Farrag as a featured guest of a series of Nina Queer

But all this is so bad, it is "Irrenhouse", the spelling l & # 39 indicates already, not a pat retreader, but a series of Drag Queen Nina Queer's party. He will celebrate his 18th birthday this year and he would be ennobled by the appearance of Naddel in the night of August 18 to 19, 2018.

Naddel and his performance in the "Irrenhouse" make things happen to the eve of the event

There is also a stir around this concert. After all, Nina Queer would have proclaimed "day 24" that Naddel would come, but only if she did not crush it again before. A fierce statement that Burkhard Stoelck, director and friend of Naddel, has highlighted against "Bunte". Naddel will therefore be present at the party and will deny an autograph session, all other statements to the appearance are, however, "complete nonsense." [NaddelattendtraitdeluxebyNinaQueer

This is also Nina Queers statement that she Naddels looks "more beautiful gift" to celebrate the anniversary of her holiday series and you want to make the appearance as pleasant as possible. According to "Bunte", Naddel is waiting for a real luxury treatment for the time and during the performance. Nothing to feel like Nina Queers' alleged resentment against Naddel. In any case, you may be curious as to whether Naddel will leave the autograph session. Many are hoping for a Bohlen-Ex singing performance.

See also: Nadja Abd el Farrag is finally a "winner" .

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