New beer from the pants "Pants Hell"


"The hell of trousers" :
The Toten Hosen have their own beer

  Dusseldorf: New beer of the Toten Hosen

The Toten Hosen introduce their beer, "Hell Hosen".
Photo: Endermann, Andreas (fine)

Düsseldorf The band now has their own beer, and this one is brilliant. The fulfillment of a great wish is the "Hell pants", says singer Campino.

There is news of the group Die Toten Hosen, but they are not a hit song, but something tasty against the thirst for beer has brought enterprising punk rockers to the market. The musicians worked together with the traditional brewery Uerige in the old town, and there was also the humorous presentation of the novelty "Hosen Hell" .The Campino leader chatted happily about the fulfillment of this great dream of the pants. Hülder argued: "We were about to make our own beer a long time ago, but then the wine of the trousers came in between us."

They wanted to give themselves time, without risking a quick shot. And that the new beer is not old, has in the eyes of the group perfectly understandable reasons: Alter Uerige can not be beaten, so it was Uerige-Baas's advice Michael Schnitzler summer (with the pants are friends for years) that finally led to the light.

To avoid misunderstandings: "This is certainly not a Pils," pointed out the boss Uerige, but just a brilliant one. But he brought his good friend in the game, namely Fritz Briem. He was at launch only as a cardboard figure, but praise for him did not end. The best brewery technologist in the world was, Schnitzler badured, and he was happy that the cartographer and Globetrotter were involved in the project. After all, the "Hell Pants" (also known as Hell Pants) limited to only 250 hectoliters – initially.

Also Michael Breitkopf, called Breiti of the trousers contributed some personal memories – in addition, all members of the group were present at the presentation, Michael Schnitzler's father would have particularly impressed him, as he had tasted a freshly brewed beer and looked pensive in the distance. "My story about Altbier begins in 1979." I was 15 years old, I did not have much experience in brewing, but I knew it was special. "

Especially the bandwidth of this band is certainly. It's rather funny, that a beer adds the story of the success of punk rockers. They are long-time but still close to international stars, as also shows the launch of their beer

The sense of humor of Campino is well known: "Anyone who wonders the Latin saying on bottles and bottles Wonders that inject the intellect – the I was, "he says maliciously. "From gustibus no is disputandum" is written there, which means: You can not argue about the taste.

This will be especially nice for fans of the Toten Hosen: Campino is back after his sudden deafness "really good". He learned something important: "That health is not taken for granted.It was a warning shot, things can not go on as before." Concretely, that means for his life that he learns to take back.Yoga has also been recommended to him. "But I'm not far off yet," he says, "but I prefer a gym."

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