Nina Bott: The presenter becomes mom – people for the third time



These are really good times for Nina Bott (ex-GZSZ)!

The actress and presenter ("Prominent!", VOX) celebrates her 40th birthday for the third time Mama.

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Photo: German Select / Getty Images

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The actress Nina Bott (40 years old) and Benjamin Baarz (30 years old) are a couple since 2013 Photo: German Select / Getty Images

"We are very happy that we are soon five," reveals BILD am SONNTAG is his friend and manager Benjamin Baarz. For both, it's after their daughter Luna Victoria (2) the second child together.

His 14-year-old Lennox got Bott in 2003 with 43-year-old cameraman Florian König.

"We do not know if it's going to be a boy or a girl," says Baarz.

The expected date of birth: January 2019.

Congratulations to the little family – which will soon be a little bigger.

  Nina Bott and Yvonne Catterfeld "data-zoom-title =" Played from 1997 to 2003 Bott at "Good times, bad times" the role of Cora Hinze. Here, in a scene with ex-colleague Yvonne Catterfeld (38) "data-zoom-src =" 56319366 / Bild / 3 .bild.jpg
From 1997 to 2003, Bott played the role of Cora Hinze in "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten". Here in a scene with ex-colleague Yvonne Catterfeld (38)

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