People: Lena Meyer-Landrut postpones the tour


No album, no tour: Lena Meyer-Landrut has postponed her tour again because she is still working on her album. Some fans are angry.

Some fans of the singer Lena Meyer-Landrut (27 years old) reacted disappointed to their new quarter turn. "It's just unprofessional, and connected with high costs and efforts for those involved," wrote a user on Instagram.

"At a young age, I also saw it differently.Today, I mean you can not handle your fans like that," said a young mother's mother. fan

The musician had announced Wednesday to postpone the scheduled tour for the fall a second time, as his new album is not ready yet was. "I'm sorry and I know, I'm very tired of your patience." The tour should now take place next spring. For those who have already purchased a ticket, they also provide for a free special concert.

Many fans are behind the winner of the ESC in 2010. "So, wait a bit, she apologized several times and finally her job, when she posted what and where", wrote a fan on Instagram. "The art just needs its time."

Originally, Meyer-Landrut wanted to start his album tour in early 2018. The move to the fall then justifies them with a "creative crisis" in the production of the album .

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