Powerhouse at the Stuttgart Jazz Open: How the secret hit with Astro-Alex has occurred – Stuttgart


By Uwe Bogen

The news is spreading worldwide through agencies, online channels and television channels: the astronaut Alexander Gerst has was connected live to the concert of the power station at the Stuttgart Jazz Open. We reveal how this secret move happened.

Stuttgart – Yes, it was the idea of ​​Alexander Gerst himself, the ISS astronaut is a big fan of the Kraftwerk electric group. Long before the start of the universe on June 6, the 42-year-old made his appearances at the Stuttgart Jazz Open with his idols. For this, Astro-Alex took a tablet computer configured with virtual synthesizers on board. Because he wanted to play a special version of the "Spacelab Tracks" duet with his favorite band. Gerst has everything perfectly prepared, especially given the difference in time that exists in a living circuit between space and earth: it's five seconds.

"Great publicity for Stuttgart"

Gerst's participation in the concert was a secret commando, in which only a few, those directly involved, were initiated. For security reasons, the European Space Agency, based in Paris, had asked that the plan be announced in no case before. The fear, it is said, is that hackers can break the link between the Earth and the space if they know what time the circuit is set up.

Look here: The video of Alexander Gerst's performance during the concert:

The live contact of Astro-Alex at Schlossplatz went through the ESA. From there, the line was driven to Stuttgart with the help of the SWR. The editors of "Tagesthemen" had planned to report live on Friday night this sensation scheduled for 22 hours at the Jazz Open. But the risk that it did not work was too high for her then. The news has spread in no time online and several TV channels around the world. "This was not just a good advertisement for the Jazz Open," says festival director Jürgen Schlensog, "but also for Stuttgart."

Read here: Our concert review of Kraftwerk's performance at Schlossplatz in Stuttgart.

Gerst praised the solidarity of the nations

Alexander Gerst praised the international friendship and unity of nations from a height of 400 kilometers: "Here in the Columbus European laboratory, the successor of Spacelab, we are looking for things from the European Space Agency.This will make everyday life better on Earth.More than 100 different nations work together peacefully and achieve things that only one nation could never achieve.We develop technologies at the ISS to go beyond our horizons in the future and prepare for other steps in space, towards the Moon and Mars. However, it was not only a matter of commending Gerst for the "human machine" in the Stuttgart area and audience – it was more about "music as the universal language of the world" as emphasized Ralf Hütter, founding member of Kraftwerk.

Ap As Alexander Gerst said goodbye to the public with a "good night of the earth", many wondered about the Schlossplatz: Was it real? Where was it recorded? It was real! It was live – with only five seconds of difference.

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