Pregnant Nina Bott talks about miscarriage


Nina Bott just announced that she was going to become a mother for the third time. What no one knew: The 40-year-old man suffered a miscarriage a year ago. Nina Bott told RTL: "I was pregnant at the same time last year, so I had seven or eight weeks of bleeding and I had a strange feeling. – also because I did not feel pregnant from now, just when the little heart should have begun to beat, it's no longer developed. "

" Doctors do not really prepare you "

For the former star of GZSZ, the loss of his child was a blow." Of course, you have to deal with it mentally and talk about it to your friends, but doctors do not really prepare you for what happens to the body, "explains Nina Bott, the" prominent "moderator also had to struggle with the fact that the subject of miscarriage is usually not Openly discussed.

"Even though the baby is as big as a blueberry right now, everything has to come out someday and it will be smothered," she says. Precisely for this reason, Nina Bott is now moving to She wanted to give women who had similar feelings the feeling of not being alone.The happiness of a new pregnancy, for her, it benefits all the more. [19659005] [ad_2]
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