Prince George: Only five years old and already experienced


A day later

Prince George
becomes king and thus succeeds his great-grandmother,

Queen Elizabeth
II. (92). Today, on July 22, the son of

celebrates Prince William
(36) and

Duchess Kate
(36) but first his 5th birthday.

Prince George: New 5th Anniversary Photo

To celebrate the day, Kensington Palace has released a new photo of George Grinning largely on camera. In the photo taken by photographer Matt Porteous, we can read on Instagram: "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very happy to share a new photo of Prince George on the occasion of his fifth birthday – thank you all for these beautiful messages. "

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are proud to share his fifth birthday – thank you for your beautiful messages"

? @mattporteous pic.twitter .com / KJ4c73ospG [19659011] – Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 21, 2018

Looking back

Five years ago, photographers, fans, and journalists were anxiously awaiting the very first photo of the little prince. Excitement was gigantic when the baby was born in 2013 at St. Mary's Hospital in London.In a little sky blue dress, the proud mother brought her child to the hospital door a day after birth A little later, the new father Married was already driving his small family home. From then on, the British royal court regularly provides cute photos to fans and the press

With the Duchess Catherine and Prince William around the world

And also the first official trip It was not long before he arrived: in April 2014, he traveled with his parents to the other end of the world in Australia and New Zealand.

Princess Charlotte: Sister George was born

At the latest with the birth of her sister,

Princess Charlotte
(3), on May 2, 2015, the "baby" disappeared from her name. And then at the next trip, there were four: In September 2016, the Cambridge family flew to Canada, which, like Down Under, also belongs to the Commonwealth


Prince William + Kate Middleton

English History

Princess Charlotte + Prince George in Germany + Poland for a visit

Last year, Prince William, the Duchess Kate, Princess Charlotte and Prince George already traveled then also Germany and Poland. It was probably the last big trip to four. Since April 23, Prince George is also still the older brother of

Prince Louis

A meeting with Barack Obama

The world tours are not the only peculiarities that the little man in his young life already experienced. Sometimes the world comes to him too. Legendary is the common photo with

Barack Obama
(56) from April 2016. You can see how the then American President and the little Royal tend to greet each other. And as it was already late, Prince George wore a white robe on his light blue and white plaid pajamas

Prince George became 5

So other royals looked at the age of [19659029] The charming smile and the loop in Prince George inherited her hair from her parents William and Catherine. On the occasion of the anniversary of the British heir to the throne, we feuilletons photo albums of the royal family.

© Gala

The Little Prince Mob

Legendary are the little boy's funny faces. Not once did he pbad his tongue on fans and photographers. For the first time, he was captured on the edge of the Queen's annual Trooping the Color Parade on June 13, 2015. Before going to the balcony of Buckingham Palace for Little George, he was then at the Kensington Palace window. happily chatted what it was. And Nanny Maria Teresa Borrallo, who was holding him, was visibly delighted that he had so much fun.

Prince George

Prince Charming of England

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