Prince Harry: With this sweet gesture, he reminds Diana fans


It's a scene that makes fans of the net beat faster. A video that

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's trip to Australia was born and broadcast on social media, showing the great affection of both. The short clip shows Prince Harry holding his right hand with his left hand. But apparently, it was not enough in contact with the body, so he also grabbed his right hand after Meghan's hand. "A double hand" enthusiastic fans call this nice gesture on the net.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry hold hands

In the comments under the video display, the fans are not involved. "I can not get enough," wrote a user.

The sweet scene is only one example among so many others when it comes to the friendly public appearance of Harry and Meghan. They hold hands, glance lovingly, support each other, and never show restraint. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, as well as Prince William and Duchess Kate, are generally nobly reserved.

The influence of Princess Diana

It is rare to see Harry's brother and his wife hold hands in public. And that has a good reason, says the royal expert and friend of the late Princess Diana, Richard Kay. As Kay explains in the British Daily Mail, Diana paid more attention to her younger son. "I have to do it," she would have said to Kay. "Charles and I have worked so hard that both boys have the same time and love from us, but other family members tend to focus on William."

But since Harry had never had the burden of succession on the throne, he was much more relaxed than his brother. This is reflected in his relationship with Meghan. Maybe Harry's double hand has something to do with Diana. As evidenced by an Instagram post, the princess, who died in 1997, kept her son's hand exactly the same in a public appearance. Anyway, if the world was not crazy about the new royal dream couple, the close ties between them and their dear Diana would probably convince even the last skeptic.

Warm welcome: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Australia: Is this the sweetest moment of their trip?

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