ProSieben increases the dose "Late Night Berlin" –


Klaas Heufer-Umlauf is allowed to play more often in the autumn: ProSieben will even present two episodes a week after the summer holidays "Late Night Berlin".

Facts about "Late Night Berlin"

  • Between opening in mid-March and May 14, ProSieben showed nine episodes of the show (every Monday, 23:00).
  • Rating above the average (10.7 to 12, 2 percent) reported only the first three numbers.
  • The remaining six episodes ranged between 5.9 and a modest 8.6 percent among those who were wooed.

The criticism and fan commentary increased during the first years "Late Night Berlin" has generally improved, but the notes have repeatedly been sobering. However, ProSieben turns out to be important and even allows the Florida television production to have a bigger space in its program after the end of its summer vacation. Our private broadcaster announces that "Late Night Berlin "will even be broadcast twice a week. in September. Then, the Late Night format presented by Klaas Heufer-Umlauf will keep its usual broadcast location Monday night, plus a total of three shows on Thursday night. For a long time, this attempt is not planned – but there are always signs and wonders.

Thus, Klaas pbades in front of his friend Jan Böhmermann, whose "Neo Magazine Royale" despite repeated requests from fans always once a week can come with a new episode at ZDFneo. Apart from this weekly rendezvous, the bildundtonfabrik team will satisfy its fans with exclusive videos online.

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