Publishers have already given roses


Shortly before the start of the fifth season of "The Bachelorette" we looked closely at the 20 candidates …

"The Bachelorette" 2018: These are the favorite editors

Who Has the Choice ? , to the agony … After Nadine Klein, 32, in the last "The Bachelor" -Staffel was not particularly pink (Daniel Völz sent her home the fifth night of roses ), distributes the pretty 18-year-old student July now as a new Bachelorette Roses (RTL, always Wednesdays at 20:15). 20 men are in it, um, the base and the file, to choose. The editors watched the candidates before the launch of the long-awaited season and distributed roses to the three most interesting men

Dennis Zrener, 25


A favorite: Dennis Zrener d & # 39; Iffezheim. The tourist merchant badures: " The next should be the good one." "Not his pseudo-romantic message, but his smile and his cool style brought him the most roses from us

the editors:

Julia D.:" I do not think I'm really hot, but Dennis is certainly the friendliest! "

Julia H .: " The boys are all alike! The only one who is past is Brian! "

Sophia: " Dennis will remove Nadine's fingers with her smile – because it's really cute! "

Alexander Hindersmann, 29


Alexander also crushes three editions of the editorial board, making him one of two big favorites.Not only with his appearance, the 29 -Year-old can score points, also characterizes that it brings all the important features.Loyalty and reliability are the cogs of Alex in a relationship.Have he been able to score with these values ​​to the Bachelorette?

Ulrike: " Alex is a Nordic light and they are down-to-earth, friendly and have the best sense of humor. It looks good too. "

Mary: " He has a pretty smile. Alexander looks quite friendly and not at all arrogant and he is definitely a man with whom you can steal horses! "

Martina: " I think that Alex looks honest at the time of the "Bachelorette" meaning and is really looking for a permanent partner. This is a good prerequisite. "

Brian Dwyer, 27 years old


According to our ranking, Dennis must also pay attention to Brian Dwyer The painter and painter comes from Sauerlach and is the most rocky among the candidates

His break is unbeatable: Tattoos, three-day beard and a sweet and innocent smile – every woman is weak,

so unanimous opinion in the drafting. that, Brian already says it clearly: its hard shell has a soft core! " For the good, it is sometimes necessary to make detours ", promises the young man of 27 years quite like a little man. That he is the right person for Nadine

Meike: " Brian, down-to-earth, euphemistically notes – all the others are personally licked me "

Natalie : " Dennis has a cool style – noble but casual. I like that. "

Stefan Gritzka, 35 years old


Or does the brunette beauty prefer the conservative Stefan? The 35-year-old man looks like the darling of his mother-in-law, but he seems to know how to awaken the interest of a woman: " I know what I want and I know it with love … ", says the young man 35 years old

He claims to be a bad boy in a lamb suit – you do not know what to expect and that makes you interesting, say the publishers.He will also be able to score points with Nadine?

Julia Z .: " Stefan looks a little more mature at 35 than the others. This makes it interesting. "

Anna: " The glbades, the beard, the hairstyle and the shirt are not as catastrophic as most other Bachelorette pipes – from the age it goes a lot better to Nadine. The housewarming (monstrous) and his work (clerk) worry me though. I'm curious to see how Stefan plays in the Rosenboy-Villa! "

Nadine has seven weeks to decide between daredevils and romantic, blondes or brunettes, directors or chimney sweepers Who can and want to imagine a future? It will not be easy at first. that's what our team noticed: " The boys still look schmaltzy and smooth … Who's even who? "

Text: Julia Haack

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