Queen of celebrity shops: Lilly Becker mutates to "Celebrity Shopping Queen" to the bitch


Lilly Becker was looking for the perfect outfit in pastel colors at "Celebrity Shopping Queen"
Photo: MG RTL / Andreas Friese / spot on the news

Lilly Becker (42) Celebrity Queen Shopping "Just to have a good time." But his good friend Shermine Shahrivar (35 years old), who also fought for the crown of Guido Maria Kretschmer's fashion (53, "The red dress" ) Sunday, did not ease the task to the Dutchman.What had started with small, teasing marginal comments soon became a bitter drama of friendship.The competitor Riccardo Simonetti ( 25 years old) had no choice but to spontaneously imitate the mediator.

On your marks, finish, play: Here is the board game "Shopping Queen"

But of

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The three candidates received the motto of the featured designer Guido Maria Kretschmer (53): "Be it bright colors, pastel or pattern mix – be the spectator in current color trends!" It all started with Shermine Shahrivar. However, attempts to blend the model's colorful patterns were labeled "not cool" and "totally ugly" by girlfriend Lilly – she would have waited for her "a little more style". Statements that did not go well with Shahrivar

When she aired Lilly's shopping tour, she finally fought back. When the wife of Boris Becker (50 years) fell in love with a pink blouse, the 35-year-old woman asked him in disbelief: "Oh, who do you think it's cool ? Lilly's answer: "Seriously, what did I do?" Then she turned her visibly offended back on her friend's couch and pushed the word F.

Between the Chairs

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The Influencer Riccardo Simonetti could only have that one. to be sorry in this situation, "Stop arguing, I can not stand it," he clapped his hands above his head, but the arrested ladies did not even think about it. Shahrivar really made the catfight ring when she told Lilly to relax. Unsuccessful: "I am very relaxed, we play here only for the show," said Becker. "You do not have to be like that, Shermine, it's you who did not laugh at me and I just play the game." No trace of humor of exuberant girlfriend.

And at the end …

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… then suddenly everything seemed to be going well again. In the finale of the big show, Lilly and her friend still walked together on the podium. But Simonetti also had reasons to celebrate. He won the "Celebrity Shopping Queen" victory and thus got the prize money for a good cause. Lilly finished in last place in her ton-in-tone outfit. But she was not sad: "Of course, I would like to win, but third place is really good."

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