Relation: Jessica Paszka: What about the new boyfriend?


Jessica Paszka at Berlin Fashion Week
Image: Imago / Future Image / spot on the news

In her time at "Bachelorette" a Jessica Paszka ( 28) "a lot, really nice memories" as she told "Star TV". The love of life, however, she has not found in the RTL dome show. She has long been separated from Eskimo drummer David Friedrich (28), whom she had chosen in the final. However, she still seems to believe in great love. "Maybe someone else is waiting for me one day," she says.

After the show, "it has become harder to meet men," says moderator Steffen Hallaschka (46). But maybe it's not necessary anymore. For some time, there have been rumors that Paszka could be forgiven again. Hallaschka, for example, showed an Instagram clip of the ex "Bachelorette", on which she obviously holds the hand. Paszka really did not want to comment on that. She learned from her mistakes in the past. In the video, she filmed more than she wanted. So the conjecture continues, both for a clear statement and a clear sound of different rejection.

Here is the stanza "Bachelorette" with Jessica Paszka again

A more serious subject

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In addition, Paszka talked about skin cancer in the program . She was a true sun worshiper, but that has changed. After a shocking diagnosis at the age of 20, she gave up on tanning and tanning accelerators. "My dermatologist looked at me in horror, as I'm brunette," she recalls. The specialist had discovered a visible birth mark on her leg, which had to be removed. Three interventions that they had to endure. Apparently successful, fortunately so far no skin cancer has been developed. But now, she is also going systematically to preventative medical exams, "because you do not want to suffer such a shock again."

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