Rihanna: Rihanna rejects participation in Super Bowl in protest


Rihanna pushed back the coveted half-time Super Bowl season – to make a statement. She criticized the treatment of the National Football League with a player who protested against discrimination. The singer Pink would also have been canceled.

Free Drainage: Both Rihanna (30, "Diamonds"
) and Pink (39, "Give me a reason"
) should have refused the offer to resume the coveted Super Bowl appearance at half-time next year. This is reported by the US portal "US Weekly".

Relative to the "Entertainment Tonight" page, an insider also revealed the reason for the rejection: "Rihanna should have been the star, and CBS and the NFL were the first to ask the question. The offer because of the NFL's reaction to players on their knees. "

Here's how it works: Rihanna in her own living room, with the Blu-Ray "Good Girl Gone Bad / Live"

The performance of the singer would be well integrated with the junk. As the source continues, Rihanna will promote a new album and tour at the Super Bowl. There would not have been a better scene for that. The clearest is the statement: Rihanna is really important.

Kaepernick can not find a new club

The context is political: the artists are protesting against the treatment of Colin Kaepernick (30) by the NFL. He was considered one of the best quarters of his generation – until he campaigned against police discrimination and police brutality against blacks in the United States in 2016, during which he s' is kneeling during the national anthem. "I do not get up to be proud of a flag for a country that oppresses blacks and blacks," he explained later.

In the following months, many athletes followed his example: the "Take A Knee" movement was born. This has led to controversial debates in the United States. Meanwhile, players are prohibited from kneeling during the national anthem so they can remain in the booth. And Kaepernick? He was released from his club in 2017 and has since found no new club that wants to sign it.

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