Scooter crash log – The crash of Clooney in the video – People


The video of a traffic camera shows what a great chance George Clooney (57) had in his scooter accident Tuesday in Sardinia. The actor crashed into a stagnant car – he was thrown against the glbad and fell into the street.

The incident was published in the video published by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. As the breath …

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The Accident Report

Tuesday morning, around eight o'clock on the main street Orientale Sarda. It is a sunny morning, 22 degrees Celsius. Clooney, who is currently shooting in Sardinia, has just left his villa in Punta Aldia and plans to travel to Olbia. In front of him, a crew member, also on a scooter, drives behind a production van.

After 17 kilometers, the bustling cross with the tourist destination Costa Corralina crushes: a black Mercedes in the opposite direction slows down and stays in the middle of the road standing up. Maybe he wants to turn left. The first scooter driver can barely dodge the car, Clooney can no longer do it: he hits Mercedes' head with his scooter.

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photo: Mario Chironi / dpa

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Rescue personnel take care of Clooney lying on the ground Photo: Mario Chironi / dpa

Clooney is thrown on the handlebars. He hits the windshield of the car and crashes into the street.

The driver of the car, an Italian about 60 years old, reportedly alerted the rescue teams. We do not know if he wanted to turn or turn.

Clooney is brought to John Paul II Hospital and treated for two hours, including in emergencies. A computed tomography scan shows that he suffered minor injuries to the knee and hip. It was close, very close – and it could have been MUCH worse.

HERE happened accident

Who says the driver

According to "Corriere Della Sera" the driver of Mercedes Antonello C. explained how he was experienced accident: " I had the sun in my face, I did not see anything, I only felt it once … Clooney was crying with pain and was holding her head and hands [19659015] (function (d, s, id) {
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