Separation from Frank Otto?


On the way! Nathalie Volk, 21, and Frank Otto, 61, no longer live together. Because the model has quietly packed its bags and settled in America. And all his fiance leaves the candidate EX-GNTM alone in Germany. If the couple is probably just a relationship crisis?

Nathalie Volk emigrated to the United States

"I would like to go abroad", Nathalie Volk announced in January 2018. She followed her actions and set up her tents shortly thereafter at [19459009LabourYouthoftheUnitedStates The model speaks for the first time of his new life with "the image of 19459007".

Surprise: In the land of unlimited possibilities, the 21-year-old child does not work as a model Student Exactly what she studies does not betray the former GNTM nominee , so far: "I am very much on stage."

Miss Undercover: With a new look and a new name In the United States

On the occasion of the restart, Nathalie presents herself in a new light: her long hair is worn by the 21-year-old instead of brown, and that's not all: it also changes its name. How? Strict g Far from the spotlight, Nathalie just wants to take a break:

I can lead a normal life here. I do not know if I want to stay here forever. I also have a lot of my business in Hamburg.

Nathalie Volk and Frank Otto: Distance Relationship

But a crucial point is still missing – Frank Otto! Are there any problems in the paradise of love? The 40-year-old entrepreneur stayed in his native Hamburg. In January, he was always delighted with Nathalie's projects, he admitted: "Nathalie thinks beyond modeling, that makes me happy!" At that time, however, was also the discussion of a joint movement, as the former camper of the jungle explained: "Frank and I considered various places."

for the next two years lead a long-distance relationship . Nathalie wants to stay in America for so long. To shorten the time of the meeting, visit Otto as often as possible, let them know.

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