So beautiful are the official baptismal images


Prince Louis Arthur Charles, the youngest son of Prince William and Duchess Kate, both 36 years old, was baptized in London on Monday, July 9 in London. Now you can admire the official photos of Kensington Palace

First appearance of Prince Louis as British Royal

The baptism of Prince Louis (2 months) was the first appearance of the Royals as a family of five . The Duchess Kate kept her little boy all the time, while Prince William occupied Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Since last Monday, the fifth man of the British throne bears the official name Prince Louis Arthur Charles Cambridge – because a week ago he was baptized. Now the palace has published four official baptismal portraits. The pictures were taken at Clarence House after the baptism.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte steal the show from their brother

With these images, Kesington Palace really gives a lot of fun to its fans. The first shows the Duchess Camilla, Prince Charles, and Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, as well as the Cambridge family . Only the queen disappeared in the photos, she did not participate in the baptism.

But all eyes should rest on Prince George and Princess Charlotte. While the prince is sitting on his father's lap and makes a broad smile in the camera the little princess seems very ecstatic towards Baby Louis.

Therefore, Prince Louis wore a robe at baptism

Also admired in the photos published now: the baptismal dress of the prince who had previously worn his two brothers and sisters. It is a replica of a dress of 1841, which Queen Victoria had once designed for her eldest daughter. Since the Victorian era, Windsor babies have been baptized in this dress, including Queen Elizabeth herself, her son Prince Charles and William and Harry.

The most beautiful photograph shows Duchess Kate alone with her baby Garden of Clarence House . The photo was taken after the baptism, reveals the Kensington Palace. Prince Louis has wide eyes, apparently a little surprised, while his mother looks at him in ecstasy and holds him firmly in his arms.

The images come from professional photographer Matt Holyoak who was shot by the Royal Family before Baptism was named as one of the world's best portrait photographers. Last year, Holyoak also organized festivities to celebrate the 70th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

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