Sommerhaus der Stars: Patricia Blanco gets drunk on RTL


Lisbon –

"The summer house of the stars" has recommenced. Eight couples of celebrities who live in a confined space in a small house in Portugal – which provides fuel.

One candidate in particular drew attention to herself on the first day and thus provided entertainment: the celebrity daughter Patricia Blanco (46).

Read here what celebrity couples live in the "Summer House of Stars" this year

"She has a problem with no alcohol."

Shortly after moving into the celebrity group , the 46-year-old man first approved a beer. Gin Tonic and Prosecco followed

It was also obvious to their roommates. Daniela Büchner (40), the wife of "Goodbye Deutschland!" – Star Malle-Jens (48) joked about the 46-year-old man. She said: "Patricia is all day cackling, laughing, telling and drinking."

Even the asterisk Micaela Schäfer (34 years old) was struck by: "It rocks one glbad after the other." [19659003] Patricia's partner, Felix Steiner (34), had an oddly plausible explanation for the behavior of her "little goat to drink": "I do not think Patricia has a problem with alcohol. I think she's having a problem without alcohol. "

Discover here what celebrity couple should have separated after filming the" Summer House ".

So it will be interesting to see how Patricia will fight in the next episodes from the RTL series and if she continues to entertain other celebrities and viewers so well – maybe even without alcohol.

Eight couples face each other

On the RTL show "The house of Summer Celebrities – Fighting Famous Couples ", eight couples of celebrities live together in a confined space in a finca near the Portuguese capital Lisbon.

At the end of each episode, in-camera couples name the couple that they want to choose from in the show.The couple with the most nominations must leave the show.The shoot takes two weeks, RTL ir delete individual episodes, however, over several weeks.

The first season of the "Summer House of Stars" won in 2016 Xenia Princess of Saxony and his ex-boyfriend Rajab Hbaden (more here read).


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