Stefan Mross ("Sunday sunday") lives in a motorhome near Rust – "The campsite is absolutely cool"


Stefan Mross (42) has the biggest thing: his new house is more than ten meters long and almost two and a half meters wide: a camper. We joined him for an interview.

Rust – Although Stefan Mross has only rented it until now, the successful trumpeter with his luxury motorhome is happier than ever. For the past three months, he stands on a campground near Rust, where he continues to record his success story on Sunday. The tz reached there, barbecues between mowing the lawn and sausages

M. Mross, you could afford the most amazing and luxurious hotels …

Stefan Mross: I was so tired of hotel rooms! I have slept for 30 years, every year in 250 hotel beds. I could not see the carpets, the beds, the bathrooms and the curtains, I could not even sleep properly. At one point, I thought, either I had to change jobs or think of something.

Then you had the idea of ​​a mobile home …

Mross: Yes, I love it, we are a lot freer. It's as big as a regular bus.

You can not have nerves so fast. Is your friend Anna-Carina still there?

Mross: Yes, thank God, Anna is still here. She does not know it at all, because she comes from a showman family. She must change more when she is in the house. She often says, honey, we are the happiest people of this thing. It's always borrowed, but I really think about having one like that.

How should I imagine, Stefan Mross, just on stage and then in line with the showers of the community?

People, of course, are already watching when the Mross suddenly comes out of the caravan. But the campers are pretty cool, they are their own people. And I belong to him, we stand side by side doing the dishes

Very close to the fans …

Mross: Of course there are requests for autographs, but that does not do not mind, otherwise I would not have the good job

You also need a lot of wardrobe for your performances. Do you have everything?

Mross: Everything! My full clothes rack is there, a washing machine, an iron, an ironing board, a lawn mower, all compressed on four wheels. My gas stove is outside, where I fry my fried eggs. I am already a stifling camper. I also have my herbarium with lavender and basil – a single garden gnome is gone

Camping is not new to you

Mross: That's right my parents and I were permanent campers in Mondsee in the state of Salzburg. and with my brother I drove to Yugoslavia in the tent, there we could not afford anything else.

And what do you do when it rains?

Mross: Is there such a thing? Not in rust! (laughs) Up to now, we have not had rain, we were really lucky. And besides, it's quite awesome when the rain paws on the roof, as you light the stove, lights a candle, oh, that's awesome.

And hugs together ….

Mross: Yes, exactly.

And maybe think about getting married. Did you secretly say yes?

Mross: So, I did not notice …

Your girlfriend is a singer – is there soon a CD for two?

Mross: Who decides the fate or better the public. We have our first single, a duet, this fall. We are just trying a little bit around.

Do you have a vacation?

Mross: Also in autumn. We plan to drive to Macedonia and Greece – of course with the camper. It's absolutely cool, the cruise control is set to 100 and you leave.

The interview was conducted by Maria Zsolnay

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