"Stranger Things" Season 3: Netflix puts fans to the test of patience


The hype around the flagship series of Netflix Stranger Things is uninterrupted. This should not be at the expense of quality. Because if the competition is now mundane, the seasons start at an annual pace and with appointments set in advance, with Stranger Things can not be speculated when it continues with the new consequences. "It's a fully hand-made show," said Cindy Holland, content manager for Netflix, who also announced that next summer, with replenishment and new adventures of Hawkins. "The Duffer brothers and Shawn Levy work really hard and know how high the bar is. They want to do something bigger and better than the second season of last year. To do it right, they take the time they need. She cites elaborate effects as the reason for change. "There are more special effects that make Stranger Things an exciting season."

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