"Tatort" star Margarita Broich & Martin Wuttke: Love-Aus after 25 years – and she already has one!


In love and at work, they form a well-honed team for a long time. Now the two stars of "Tatort" Margarita Broich and Martin Wuttke are separating.

Both are among the most popular TV investigators of Germany. Martin Wuttke (56) was the chief commissioner Andreas Keppler for seven years alongside Simone Thomalla (53, Eva Saalfeld) in the "crime scene" in Leipzig. Margarita Broich (58) is Chief Detective Anna Janneke since 2015.

What the TV Commissioner told us about the salaries of the stars of "Tatort", you see in the video:

Separation after 25 years

But not only does their work connect the two actors, even in private, they have long been a well-repeated team, have the common sons Hans (26) and Franz (18). Now, his love is broken after 25 years! Compared to the newspaper "Bild" confirmed Margarita Broich: "Martin and I were separated some time ago."

Also Boris (50) and Lilly Becker (42) separated recently. What this photo of the former tennis player reveals about his soul life, you will learn in the video:

She has a new one

L & # 39; actress did not want to say anything about the reasons for love, but she should not have bad blood flowing between her and her ex. "We continue to be close and friendly," says Broich. The 58-year-old could not be happier now, because she's already found a new love. As the newspaper "Bild" reports, she showed herself at the opening of the Bayreuth Festival with a new man by her side. "Yes, I am very happy to have found a delay, but for me, a great happiness," she revealed.

Christian Lindner, leader of the FDP, also presented his new love at the Bayreuth Festival. Who is the beautiful woman by her side, we show you in the video:


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