Television: Court: Can Stefan Raab sell his Brainpool shares?


Stefan Raab has disappeared from the screen since the end of 2015. This year, he sold his shares in the company that made him big. The case now has a legal following

Everyone knows the name Brainpool in the television business. Since the late 1990s, the Cologne-based production company has paved the way for great popularity, especially with Stefan Raab, with numerous ProSieben broadcasts. Today Brainpool produces formats like "Schlag den Henssler", "Pussy Terror TV" with Carolin Kebekus and "Pastewka". Raab has since withdrawn and sold in March, the remaining 12.5 percent stake in the company. The shares were acquired by the French television producer Banijay, who thus acquired the majority of Brainpool: 62.5%. Subsequently, Banijay proceeded to replace the founder of Brainpool, Jörg Grabosch.

The shareholders' meeting of Brainpool-Beteiligungsgesellschaft GmbH approved the sale of the shares of Raab in April. On the other hand, Grabosch has obtained an injunction against which the investment company filed an opposition. About this contradiction is being negotiated today in the Cologne District Court. Do not expect Raab himself to appear.

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