The Brainpool Process: How Much is a Raab?


Negotiate instead of waiting for a verdict, which will ultimately not satisfy one or the other party – something like the appeal, the Cologne court Thursday to Jörg Grabosch and Andreas Scheuermann on the one and Raab and Banijay on led from the other side.

by Uwe Mantel Cologne Regional Court

12.07.2018 – 17:03 Uhr

When Jörg Grabosch spoke for the first time before the Cologne court on Thursday, it became clear how much the slick between Raab and Banijay one side and the rest of the former Brainpool leadership is cut to Jörg Grabosch from the other side. Banijay's attempt to take control of the majority of Brainpool with Raab's help was what he called a "hostile takeover" – precisely when he managed to "recover" after the sudden withdrawal of Raab The company Raab TV, in which Stefan Raab would take over the majority of the planned business, there is even against the will of Raab, television in 2015 the company "very bad", as Grabosch l & rsquo; Said.

also many formats would no longer exist according to Grabosch, if it was to Raab. From the words of Grabosch, so to speak, spoke of the idea that Raab had almost made a point of harming his original partner – and when they had once again tackled, he now wanted them push out of society. As Stefan Raab sees the case is not clear – he was not present in the district court. But it seems clear: this report is probably more kitten. Or, as the judge has said: "Circumstances equate to a separation." The fact that Grabosch and Scheuermann want to prevent their dismissal as Director General before the courts would therefore not be a solution to the conflict even if successful.

In the end, it's all about how to do this separation. Scheuermann and Grabosch offered two possibilities of agreement. Together with Ralf Günther, they are also the owners of 12.5% ​​of the shares, ready to fully sell their Brainpool shares in Banijay – but only if Banijay pays a similar note to that of Raab TV's shares, possibly with one more tee. small. It was clearly too much money for Banijay until here. As an alternative, a split of Brainpool into the conversation.

Thus Brainpool could be divided into two parts according to the proposal of Grabosch and Scheuermann. While Banijay would hold the majority in Brainpool TV's production business, from which Grabosch and Scheuermann would retire operationally, according to the presentation of the two affiliates, individual artists, such as Luke Mockridge or Carolin Kebekus, are linked to Brainpool, a new intermediary company. Grabosch and Scheuermann want to hold 51% of the shares – and thus continue to have the shots without Banijay having a say.

For Banijay it is the "most profitable" solution, Scheuermann has rented the construction, the money should flow. In addition, he tried to draw another badet, which was once cited in the conflict with Viacom: "Many artists consider it anxiously, if we were not there any more," said Scheuermann. In his opinion, it was therefore in the sense of Banijay, if both remained on board. Scheuermann described this division as a "compensation" for the fact that we see ourselves in the merger of Raab TV with Raabs Entera überschteilt.

Because there is one of the causes of the conflict. From Grabosch and Scheuermann 's point of view, the Raab TV rating on the one hand and Raabs Entera on the other hand is not the same. Banijay, so the accusation, the value, which brings the person Raab, clearly too high – which is ultimately to the detriment of Brainpool and therefore their minority shareholders. At the word "compensation", the other party, however, was vigilant – and offered in turn as a solution, without further ado to dispense with the controversial merger of Raab TV and Entera completely. Raab – who was not on the spot in court – would find himself in the future simply completely outside the Brainpool group's law, the reason for the required "compensation" moving away from the point of view of the representatives of Banijay

Grabosch and Scheuermann virtually empty and a minority stake in Brainpool, which would bring them little. Caught unprepared, Grabosch and Scheuermann had no choice but to make sure that the proposal, as soon as it was presented in detail, would at least be considered. However, it is difficult to imagine that Grabosch reacts and abandons the work of his life.

If the warring parties wait for a quick resolution in court, they are disappointed, at least at this meeting on Thursday. President Paltzer never tired of suggesting that those involved negotiate negotiations for a solution to the conflict themselves. Even a mediation he introduced into the conversation. To create pressure, he set a deadline of six weeks until August 23rd. Then you end up in court, where in case of failure negotiations, a sentence would be pronounced. However, he did not look completely into the cards as to what such a verdict might look like. To reach an agreement, it is often very useful not to be able to predict how the chamber will decide, says Paltzer. Those who wait for the worst are more willing to compromise. The trend is that the dismissal of chief executives is probably possible, but crucial parts of Banijay's intentions could be further blocked. In the end, therefore threatens a judgment that would not satisfy both parties. It is precisely for this reason that he wanted to "encourage them to speak openly". Maybe even a win-win situation for all concerned can be achieved. You can be curious.


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