"The Champion Quiz" – Ulrike von der Groeben stood on the pipe – TV


Was it just excitement or a lack of embarrbading knowledge?

On Saturday evening Ulrike von der Groeben (61), presenter of RTL Sports, participated in the ZDF show "The Quiz Champion" on an issue concerning football. For the particularly bitter television lady: This was not her only surrender …

With three other faces of television, the candidate competed against five leading experts. For the alarm of Fremdschäm, she already did it in the first round. Facilitator Johannes B. Kerner (53) asked him very brief questions for sixty seconds, of which at least seven had to be answered correctly.

Ulrike von der Groeben initially confident: "I hope to be a quiz champion because I have learned the world through more than 10,000 newsletters and I am a fighter."

"Uh … am I crazy?"

More surprising, how fast she stood on the pipe …

At question number three, Kerner wanted to know from her: "Which football club has still won the Men's Champions League in May? " But far from it. Von der Groeben completely unconscious and visibly scared to himself: "Hmm … Am I crazy? … After!" Kerner broke with "Real Madrid" always fast, then continued the question and answer session.

Groeben did not improve. So she did not know then which group of boys Robbie Williams (44 years old) was known (Take That) and who created the horror clbadic "The Birds" (Alfred Hitchbad). After the deadline, Groeben had correctly answered seven questions and had arrived at the next round.

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Photography: Max Kohr

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Johannes B. Kerner comforts the RTL sport expert in the show Photo: Max Kohr

Johannes B. Kerner did his best to save the embarrbading situation, said: "What I'm so beautiful I think professionals too can be very nervous.Of course you can easily answer all these questions.It's just the big scene."

Joking about their black -out of football: "That's what my colleagues are going to bring up with."

The jackpot of 25,000 euros for a good cause was won by comedian Wigald Boning (51), who cleverly interviewed his colleagues on the wall. In addition to Ulrike von der Groeben, the legend of the journalist Ulrich Wickert (75) and the moderator of "Tagesthemen" Pinar Atalay (40) remained empty.

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