The Geissens: Shock-shock! Robert Geiss is wearing a wig now


The most popular millionaires of Germany: Carmen and Robert Geiss
Image: dpa

Did someone steal Robert Geiss from his hair? Or why the self-proclaimed millionaire and cult emigrated from Monaco (own documentary soap opera " The Geissens – A terrible glamorous family" on RTL2) suddenly resort to hair artificial? Yes, you read correctly. Robert Geiss wears a wig and proudly displays the result on Instagram.

Hair-shock Geissens: Robert Geiss wearing a wig

A bading hairy affair. But those who insist on a very special carpet sometimes have to resort to small helpers. "Stop at the hairdresser a little wrong today," writes Robert Geiss with a wink under his Instagram post. His fans notice him very quickly: the entrepreneur does of course want to take them on his arm. The new hair should not last long.

Carmen Geiss loves Robert's new hair

And Robert also confesses in his Instagram video "Something's wrong, it's guaranteed!" At least his goddess Carmen Geiss can make Robert happy with his new hairdressing accessory: "I love the color", hears the Millionaire Lady's commentary background. The hairdressing team can only agree with that. Incidentally, the hair actually belongs to the wife of Robert, Carmen, who uses it "from time to time" as she writes on her Instagram profile.


Robert and Carmen Geiss have completely changed on Instagram

And this is the second time this week that Robert Geiss is hardly recognized. Most recently, his wife Carmen showed on Instagram a couple dating back several years . You can see it with a Robert Geiss earring, which holds a dark haired Carmen with an idiosyncratic spiderweb body in the arm. Robert Geiss does not distort anything …

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