The Mannheim singer: Xavier Naidoo can not be described as anti-Semitic – culture


Theories of conspiracy, homophobia, violent fantasies: Xavier Naidoo's list of pbadages and problematic statements is long. For nearly a decade, he returns to the headlines. But whoever attacks should therefore pay attention to its precise wording. Like an antisemitic Naidoo can not be called easily.

Last year, a speaker from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation made it at an event in Straubing. She said, "He is anti-Semitic, structurally detectable." On the other hand, the singer struggled with an injunction, which was now granted by the district court of Regensburg. The judge forbade the woman to repeat her statement. She did not sufficiently substantiate her allegation

It's a bit of a surprise, since in 2009 Xavier Naidoo used puns in the song "Get out of the Reichstag", which can be traced to antisemitic stereotypes: "Like the guys from the Keinherzbank Play our coal / You were very, very angry, you piss in your socks / Baron Totschild sets the tone and he shits on you Gockel / The Schmock is a fox and you do not Is a jerk. " Baron Totschild is an allusion to the Rothschild family of Jewish banking, which also includes the baron and investment banker Jacob Rothschild

The Spiritual Proximity of the Imperial Citizens

The last album of Xavier Naidoo's group Söhne Mannheim contained also a problematic pbadage with Jews. reference. In the play "Never more war", it says: "The Muslims are wearing the new star of the Jews, all the terrorists, we do not love them anymore". This is tantamount to belittling the Holocaust, because there is no systematic persecution of Muslims in Germany, how they suffered the Jews under the National Socialists. An abstruse comparison, but we do not necessarily have to be understood as anti-Semitic.

Nevertheless: Xavier Naidoo has repeatedly ventured into the (spiritual) neighborhood of so-called Reich citizens, who believe in a conspiracy against Germany. And among the dark forces that are supposed to be at work, there are also Jews in their eyes. Naidoo, however, is not so stupid as to sing it explicitly, it's not as unpleasant as Kollegah and Farid Bang. However, he proved in court that he was not at a high level of reflection in terms of anti-Semitism: he defended his commitment against racism in his defense – and the Hebrew name of his son .

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