The return of LaFee: Does she come back with a facial tattoo?


To what extent has LaFee (27) changed? Since 2011, the old teen idol has not published any album. Now, the singer returns musically: his new single "Kartenhaus" will be released on November 16th. Also in her return, she does not play under her real name Christina Klein, but remains for her fans continue LaFee. Does that make him his famous adhesive tattoo?

In one pictureInterview explains to the 27-year-old woman that she loves her stage name to this day. She would have thought a lot about it at the beginning of her career, so she feels comfortable listening to LaFee songs today. However, she does not want to give up the beauty mark on her temple in her new musical beginning. "What I did lay down, is the tattoo stuck LaFee on my temple, because I grew up one day, which I had at the time as a recognition but I did not need it at any given time, again with this tattoo I would be ridiculous "admits the blonde quite openly.

LaFee is already nervous about their return. She hopes to support her old fans without a tattoo or a new sound. "I'm happy when my fans of the past love my new music as much as my old songs, and of course I am curious about the reaction of those who do not know me yet", the track list feverishly awaits the release of his single "Kartenhaus".

LaFee at the Platform Fashion in Düsseldorf in July 2018Getty ImagesPhotos Gallery button
LaFee at the Platform Fashion in Düsseldorf in July 2018
LaFee, singerActionPress / Public Address

LaFee, singer
LaFee, musicianActionPress / Christoph Hardt / Image of the future

LaFee, musician

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