The summer house of the 2018 stars: All against Bert and Bobby


In the second episode of the show RTL "The Summer House of Stars – Fight Celebrity Couples", the atmosphere sinks into the cellar. First, the patience of all couples was put to the test in two parts. Then the situation worsened after the appointment of the "shooting list".

Bert Wollersheim
67 years old,

Patricia Blanco
46 years old, confrontation clbad

Micaela Schäfer is shouted by Felix Steiner

The first couples game "Thin Board Drill" is already become strong, Men had to punch holes in a blanket under the orders of their wives – but with one or the other weakness from right to left is not an easy task.

Micaela Schäfer
34 years old, asked him

Felix Steiner
33 years old, rather perplexed: "No, Barchen, where did you go? He was already a little indignant: "As you told me!

continued to try with love: "Do not be so darling, I can not concentrate either". But Steiner shouted, "I'm a student, I'm not stupid, I just have to tell myself where to go."

Julian Evangelos asks for 100%

Similar to both,

Julian Evangelos
25 years old, and Stephanie Schmitz, 23 years old. He was barely able to handle the exercise, and his instructions displeased him. "What an easy handicap game," Julian grumbled. In the end, he had identified the scapegoat in his Stephanie. "Lady, more than 100%, we can not get the best out of it," he criticized. The tears of his girlfriend did not prevent him from demanding: "You must fight more."

Finishing with Bert and Bobby?

The ladies also had their problems with the game "Wild Animals", dressed in animal costumes to give the right instructions to men. Although Julian and Stephanie applauded in the end, but the rest was anything but good. In addition, Bert struggled with love. He made a colossal mistake: he told others about his problems with [Bobby

– but not with her. "There are so many things happening in the short span of time that are just hurtful for me, I think I'll go out without Bert," Bobby said suddenly. Two tears of crocodile flowed in both – despite the love.

Patricia Blanco pushes him to the top

"Maybe you can forgive me," Bert hoped. And he seemed lucky: Almost all Bert and Bobby were on the platform when they were named for the "kill list". Patricia Blanco led to the summit. She alleged that Bobby had even made a bad game. She did not want to bring in, to be inaccessible, so the prosecution. And Bobby suddenly replied that the Blanco was not his case. After a few drinks, it turned to Bert: "Your friend can lick me on A +++ […] I love you Bert, but your girlfriend still has a lot to learn."

Bert Wollersheim declares open combat

The close discontent of the other couples brought Bert and Bobby closer. "There is no loyalty here," Wollersheim said. "Go to hell all," he said simply, explaining, "The fight is going on." That they are still in couples at the end of the show remains to be seen. There are some sources of fire in the "Sommerhaus".

The Zicke's War at the Büchners in the "Sommerhaus der Stars"

Jens Büchner
48 years old, and

Daniela Büchner
40 years old, are constantly complaining. She seems to be constantly close to the nervous breakdown. Sometimes she throws her husband in front of a "whiner", sometimes she is even at the end and could "scream". That both last until the end? And also with Stephanie and Julian's mood can flip at any time.

After all, this week Micaela Schäfer dropped almost all the covers. Next week it will be very exciting: the first couple has to leave.

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