Toni Garrn: Prohibition to speak! – people


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Photo: People Image Agency

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Topmodel Toni Garrn hails from Hamburg Photo: Agency People Image [Luckilyellen'apasbesoindavoicewatch

Topmodel Toni Garrn (25) shared a personal story with his fans on Instagram on Wednesday: The Hamburg's beautiful woman was not allowed to speak for months because she had a cyst on her vocal cords.

The model writes: "I completely lost my voice at the end of last year because of overwork (and other emotional reasons). This happened during my sale at the flea market, I talked about it for months and I had a rift on the vocal cords.

The ex-Hollywood girlfriend Leonardo DiCaprio (43) explained that put: surgery or several weeks of absolute prohibition to speak! The model chose the latter and used the time to meditate, dance, play sports and communicate by e-mail and mobile phone.

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Toni: "It was a difficult and difficult experience for me not to speak … I appreciate that you can sing, cry, laugh and communicate with people. Everyone does not have a voice.

She is therefore particularly happy to be able to lend her voice to a film project. In the Instagram photo, you can see how she talks in the studio the text for her.

Now, the model with high school diploma can still speak and charm the male world not only with its appearance but also with its knowledge.

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